I’ve already made this topic before but I have some new questions now and I solved my old topic when I shouldn’t have really.
Why are copy-paste games apparently said to “take off” faster? People say it appeals to the roblox algorithm, but the algorithm just cares about retention monetization and engagement.
Surely, copy-paste games don’t have much retention so therefore it’s not preferred by the algorithm that much.
Why do people say copy-paste games die out easily?
I see many games that are based on the same ideas with barely any changes apart from the way the game behaves and looks obviously. Yet they’re still doing really well. For example, squid games on roblox.
Copy-paste games are copy-paste games because one of them got popular and lots of people took the idea, not the other way around. It’s generally better to make unique games with some advertising, you’ll have fun making it, and you’ll be proud of it. Who knows, you could even get popular.
Copy and paste games fill a market, so there’s not really a chance yours in specific will get popular if it’s not unique.
You can still be personally interested in it, yes, but if you’re really only making it because there’s a lot of them you probably wouldn’t be as interested.
Are you saying that because there are so many of the same type of game. There’s alot of competition? So therefore you are unlikely to succeed? Due to others advertising more and making a better versions of your game? Therefore, leading to your game dying out quicker for a better version of it’?
Couldn’t the same thing happen to unique games? Like if another person makes the same game but better? Especially if the game is quite simple and easy to make? Therefore, leading to the og dying out?
Sorry I made myself look like an idiot with how i typed it.
Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Unique games become copy and paste games if they’re easy to replicate, and people want to make it for money. Usually though, when the game is unique, and hard to copy, another game comes up for competition, and competition usually makes each other better, unless it’s easy to copy, where it becomes there’s too much competition,
I don’t know the idea itself is just too simple that even if I added several features it would still be fairly easy to replicate. And people can make way better versions of my game simply if they’ve a better budget than me which most of them likely will.
Wait a minute, if what you’re saying is true. Then why hasn’t this game been copied yet? It was a unique idea and it’s still very simple to recreate and make a better version of:
You know the games that are unique and easy to replicate, do they usually have the majroity of the playerbase for their type of game compared to their copy paste versions? Or no?
Cuz they were the first so most players stick to that game due to their progress and stuff ye? I know I’m rambling on now so if u want to just reply one more time to this and I’ll stop.