Hello every developers, so recently I’m making a game, It is half-finished…
However, I think I found a virus… I don’t know if it is INFECTION
So how the virus affect the game?

Firstly, if you have 2 players in the game and when the 3rd player joined,
it will teleport the 3rd player to unknown game

Is there any ways to fix it and why this thing happened?
Please let me know below!

This is the game btw

Sorry this post isnt well-organised…


There is probably a virus in your game, you should try and check all of the script in your game.


I checked every single script and deleted blank scripts

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Chances are it does, see what happens if you turn off third party teleports

i tried this way before, but it still teleport my friends.
but not everytime. it teleports sometime

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Did you use anything from the toolbox?

So I had the same issue with a virus too, what you want to do is go into toolbox and search for a script called “Virus Slayer” by MitchellJBridges101 (It should be the very first one). After using this script, my game was completely virus free.

If you don’t have created a script for teleport you this is a infection. Verify if all your plugins are goods and don’t have backdoor (Verify the plugin with the permission to add / remove object) also to in the searchBar in the explorer and search for “script” verify all your script to see if you have anything suspicious
You can also disable this option in the game security

this will prevent teleportation in another game


ok let me try
thanks all!
ill try now

Are these script needed?

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Open the script and send the code of the script

Its blank… nothing is inside the script
and theres plenty of these kinds of script

The script are really blank or is having a lot of “space” character ?

its like this, should i delete them?

Huh, export the model with all the script (suspect) and add it to your message

Do you mean I export the whole model and send it to here?
But those scripts are blank
Should I delete them and try?

Those are definitely viruses. They use spaces to push the code all the way to the right, or use unicode characters that aren’t compatible with Roblox Studio to hide the text. Check all of your plugins, some of them might be fake.

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should i list all of my plugins?


if chld.ClassName == ‘Weld’ or chld.ClassName == ‘Snap’ then

is this script a virus?
this script is put in my Alien

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Verify all your plugin, if you have plugin seem suspect / not popular try to see the code of the plugin
You can use this for load asset id

Or you can just go in your Run command in custom and put

game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://THE-ID-HERE")[1].Parent = workspace
and the content of the plugin should have appeared in your workspace (The same code is used in the plugin)