Here is a pro gamer trick for you.

Hit CTRL + SHIFT + F and a little box will appear in the middle of your screen. Type each one separately in the search bar:

  • require
  • getfenv
  • loader

Type them one at a time.

When you press ENTER, a menu will pop up on the bottom of your screen. If it finds the keyword in a script, the script will be listed in the menu. You can then click on the script names and verify if it is bad or not. If there are no scripts that use those three keywords, then your game is most likely virus free!

please note, regular scripts use “require” all the time. Only delete scripts that use “require” if there are numbers in the parentheses. See below for reference

How to tell if Require() is bad


require(game.[NOT A NUMBER])

anything like this


If there are numbers in the parentheses, then you should probably delete the script.

Thanks for your tips!
I hope this can help people who has the same issue as me

Oh I made this script. Because when the aliens spawns, it was stucked by weld, so i decided to remove them

Hey @AMX13F3AM, I finally finished the plugin I was talking about, I send it to you in the hope that it helps you

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Wow, thanks so much! Impressive!

I suggest deleting all the free models from the game and double checking (triple check if necessary and also look at the developer console/output)