Is it Possible to Get the Color of a Pixel?

I know the answer to this question is probably no, but is it possible to get the color of an exact pixel on the screen?

It is not currently possible. It has been suggested before but it’s unlikely to happen, there isn’t enough of a need for it to justify the effort it would take to make it work.

nobody has done it at high resolution without external programs but it def possible if you use either a texture load (requires lots of memory and only practical at low res see my bitpacking article) or you can get it high res but you need to have Perlin noise-based textures which is really confusing for your builders.

tl;dr possible for low poly games but hard for your scripters to implement

Yea, it is possible to get the color of a specific pixel on the screen in Roblox Studio. To do this, you can use the PixelColor function from the BitmapPixel module. This function takes in a Bitmap object and the coordinates of the pixel as arguments, and returns the Color3 value of the pixel.

what is the BitmapPixel module even?

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i think this is from chatgpt lol