Is it possible to have 2 character animations? If so, how can i do that?


I am trying to create a takedown animation but I don’t know if it’s even possible to play an animation on roblox that involves 2 characters. I used Moon Animator to create a test animation but when i went to export it, i got a bunch of folders and stringValues, nothing i can export to roblox as an animation.
I know i could make 2 seperate animations but i really don’t want to do that, so please don’t suggest it. If anyone has any information on how to do this, please let me know

Thank you for your time


It is possible to have 1 animationTrack animate two “Players” but doing so would involve a different rigging tree that revolved around the idea of a central part controlling two Characters with an AnimationController.

The easiest thing ive seen other people do is just play two seperate animation at the same time on two different players (they hopefully shouldnt be any delay if the animations are pre-loaded, and played at the same time)


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