Hello, before I get into the question, I want to say I’m sorry if I am posting this in the wrong category. I posted this on Development Discussion because I want to discuss this certain model and if it’ll work and I want to hear it from the scripters and builders. Thank you!
I want to make a group about a city that is overrun by robots (like General Atomics from Fallout 4 or the Lucky 38 from Fallout: New Vegas) I was thinking about making a robot morph that’ll shoot lasers, missiles, and bullets and boost up their armor and more health. My question is, is it possible to make a robot morph do that? For the scripters, is there a certain script that’ll make the robot shoot and make the player become a robot? For the builders, is it possible to make the robot morph? That’s all. I’m sorry if I am asking too much, I want to make a group this fun by adding robot morphs and make it into a city RP. Thanks!
Short and easy answer, yes, it is possible to do everything you just mentioned. You just have to have the right kind of people to do what you are asking.
As a programer and builder/3d modeler. Yes! Totally possible, and even, many different approaches.
Certain script!?.. nope… Scripting is custom! and its not only 1 script… its about many different systems to be scripted for each special functions for the robots and players. If you gonna create a team you will need a good programer, or it will be impossible to achieve :3