Is it possible to make blender-like GFX on Roblox Studio?


I want to ask a question. Is it possible to make blender-like GFX on Roblox Studio?
Why am I asking this question? Because my laptop cannot handle blender and each time I open it, it immediately crashes. And also I’m more used to controls on Roblox Studio.

If yes, then can you reply me? I want to make GFX for my game logo.
If no, then is there an alternate program to make GFX?

Thanks for reading this topic.


Of Course it is, but you have to try really hard to accomplish that.

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aww thats bad, i just started being a builder like 3 days ago

Yep! It is possible, watching this video might help!!


I guess, but Blender has better lighting and rendering and more options… but it really IS possible, I guess, though it wouldn’t be as good as Blender GFX.

Also, my Mac handles Blender perfectly. Can I see your laptop’s specs?

my laptop specs:
used to be windows 7 (now updated windows 10)
8gb ram (7.80gb left)
is an office laptop and not a gaming one
intel core i5

no, you can’t compare a game engine to a rendering engine


do you have these minimum requirements?

mine is also office laptop too

Yes but I recommend sticking with blender. if your PC can’t handle it then don’t worry. all you need to do is use Eevee for the rendering or wait a good amount of time for the render to complete.
I’m telling the truth I’m running blender on a hunk of a metal laptop and it can render even with a 2008 GPU.

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how do you find a cheap graphics card and put it in a laptop, and also idk if my laptop is old or not but all i know is its that it opens programs smoothly opens it in under 1 second but maybe OpenGL is the problem idk how to find my OpenGL specs

Try to perform a driver update through windows’ driver manager or go to the site of the manufacturer that would be AMD or NVIDIA. make sure to get the driver for the correct GPU driver because one wrong step and you’ll break your drivers making you unable to use multi-monitors and any program that uses a specific rendering engine.

but yeah, update and see if the OpenGL problems gets fixed if not. then try to invest in a cheap PC build. it doesn’t matter if it’s used or factory new the important thing is to get it in good or mint condition.

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you can, but it can be super difficult sometimes, like if you want a part very nicely bent (im p sure there is a plugin for that, i still cant find one like that) and if you want a perfect circle you need to do part by part

conclusion: yes you can make Blender type GFX in roblox studio, it can take you a lot of effort

i think Moon Animator plugin is the way to go for the bents

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It seems like you mixed up your terminologies :upside_down_face:
GFX isn’t building-it’s more like thumbnails.
Blender has a really different workflow than studio, I’m not sure with the original question, but it would probably take too much time and for the question I think you’re asking yes, you can make blender+ quality on studio.
But only 3 days of experience is definitely not enough.

It is possible, but your quality might not be as good compared to what blender can produce.

No, It will be bad quality, roblox doesnt use the same engine as blender so you wont get any blender like quality of rendering, you could learn how to draw over roblox body figures to make work like this

Basically pose the model in studio, then draw over it in photoshop or whatever drawing program you would learn.

No. It is not and anybody who tells you otherwise is lying.

ok so i learned blender is better for gfx and roblox studio hard to make gfx but possible

You should try using older versions of blender if your computer cannot handle the newest. I would say to try 2.79.

the thing is, i have past stuff about getting a virus. and also im working on making gfx in studio