The car model I am using is just the modified racing template car system. Nothing has been changed in a big way just some ai stuff and other unimportant information.
I was wondering if you would be able to have the cars react differently with different terrain so some cars would find it difficult on dirt others track like in Forza or NFS.
I think this is the segment I would have to mess with right? I am not too well rounded on its workings.
Controller module script
local function updateWheelFriction()
for _, wheelPart in wheelParts do
-- Find the difference between the wheel's actual linear speed and the speed it should be moving
-- based on its current angular velocity.
local speed = wheelPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
local angularVelocity = wheelPart.AssemblyAngularVelocity
local targetSpeed = wheelRadius * angularVelocity.Magnitude
local speedDiff = math.abs(speed - targetSpeed)
local isKineticFriction = speedDiff > wheelParameters.slipThreshold
local friction = if isKineticFriction then wheelParameters.kineticFriction else wheelParameters.staticFriction
wheelPart.CustomPhysicalProperties =, friction, wheelParameters.elasticity)