The Post Approval process for replies looks like this:
- Find the desired topic.
- Go to the homepage, compose the reply, and post it as a topic in Bulletin Board.
- Go to the homepage again and compose a message for Post_Approval.
- Search for the links for both the reply and the desired topic, and paste them into the message. (Most troublesome part)
- Title it “Post Approval Request for a Reply to a Topic” and send it.
- Wait for Post_Approval people to either move the post or say something about it.
The message usually looks like this for me:
Post Approval Request for a Reply to a Topic
For this topic: [Link for target Topic/Reply]
[Link for Bulletin Board topic desired to be a reply]
This process seems to be more complicated than it needs to be. Sure, I can copy one link and paste it when I start composing the message, but I still need to find and paste in the other link. Also, the only button available for creating topics and messages is on the homepage, making it necessary to go there twice.
Is it possible for Post_Approval members to move posts out of messages? If so, maybe messages can be the desired replies themselves? Approvers can then edit out the extra information and move the message itself into the topic.
- Find the desired topic and copy its link.
- From the homepage, create a message for Post_Approval, paste the link into it, and then compose the reply in the message.
- Title it “Reply Request for a Topic” and send it.
- Wait for Post_Approval people to either move the message body or say something about it.
Theoretically, a message would then look like this:
Reply Request for a Topic
For this topic: [Link for target Topic/Reply]
[Reply Text]