Is it possible to still make your model good if you have reached the max limit on studio from inserting a model or part from blender?

Note: I have joined deform in 2020 and became a member in 2021, I am not sure if somebody made a topic about this but if somebody did, please let me know. This is also my first draft!

I have been using blender for a month and I am starting to get used to it but some of my creations from Blender have too many triangles and whenever I decrease the triangles on the model or part it comes out to look pretty bad most of the time. Please let me know if there is a way to reduce the triangles without making the model or part looking bad.

Try inserting multiple meshes in roblox studio so you are not inserting one mesh that has all the triangles.

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Thank you for the tip, I will give it a shot.

Thank you so much for the help, it turned out it worked but there were some issues with it but I think it might work mostly.

No problem. if you have any problems with it, feel free to ask.

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alright, I will let you know :+1:t2:

@CodedJack please don’t suggest someone to circumvent tri limits by splitting up their meshes. It can and will lead to a lot of problems and it’s dangerous to suggest it as a solution.

@ashahepic there is almost always ways to retopologize your meshes to use less tris. You’ve been using the software for only a month so you still have a long journey ahead - which is the exciting part!

For tri count issues do some research into Smooth Shading vs Flat Shading (and how Smooth Shading can make your meshes appear high poly count when they’re not), low poly techniques, and the Decimate modifier just for starters.

The tri limit for meshes is there for a reason - performance optimization. You want players to actually be able to play your game :stuck_out_tongue:


You can insert many meshes and then group them.

This will therefore reduce the triangles as they are substantially separated.

Read my post above please! What you’re saying is effectively the same as splitting apart your mesh - which I go on to say is very bad practice in the majority of cases!

Please don’t suggest it as a cure-all solution!


I apologise, sorry once again!

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I should have been careful with that post! That can explain some of the other issues I was having with it. I have used the decimate modifier before but I will try using Smooth Shading and most of the models I made are low poly. It’s nice to see a contributer which I can trust. Thank you very much.

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