Is it possible to use negative exponents?

I am currently trying to port an equation to roblox but I need to use negative exponents, but as in just negative numbers, but like the dividing exponent. How do I do that?

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x - the base
y - exponent
x / (x * y)

Is that what you want?

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Do you mean something like




If you’d like to use for example as the exponent in your equation you can use this method:

2^(1 / 3)
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According to the law of exponents, it says that a negative exponents has this formula,

(n1 is base, n2 is exponent)

n1^-n2 = 1/n1^n2

So we could use this law to make a function that works out

function neg_exp(n1,n2)
    return (1/n1^n2)

Exponents Law 101

Hope this helps!

or you could just use the solution below

heres a F key(idk why) F

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Lua supports negative exponents.

print(math.pow(2, -3)) -- 2 to the negative 3, prints 0.125

This goes back to radicals

2^1/3 is equivalent to the cuberoot of 2.

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It is the cube root of 2 :grin:

Since Luau doesn’t have a math.cbrt function it’s what you need to do to calculate it

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Or, we can start a petition for math.cbrt


I totally forgot about this topic lol but apparently I did actually get the exponent thing right, but the equation just didn’t work.

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