Is posible to get the players head using a script? [SOLVED]

like that?

If you have parented the GUI on the head already, then yes.

But I want it to be automatic that you dont need to type your username

Do I need to use :FindFirstChild(“Head”)

Then parent the GUI after their character is loaded, using a game.Players.PlayerAdded event and then a player.CharacterLoaded event.

  local Head = Character:WaitForChild('Head');

  -- Code...?

So it will be Character.Head right

Thanks maybe it will be fixed I’m trying it in roblox studio

Since you want a tag above others’ heads, you can loop through all the Players in the service with :GetPlayers().

for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
	local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
	if Head then
		-- Test if head has tag or something?
		-- then add a tag if it does not.

If someone dies the Character will reload without the GUI so its better to do it with events like I said before.

Is this better than this? Is posible to get the players head using a script? - #9 by Itz_Louu

I believe it’d be better to use PlayerAdded in your scenario.

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@Itz_Louu’s code should work better for automatically adding tags unless you need to do something else with the tags or the heads after making them.

IDK if this is right

        local Head = character:WaitForChild("Head")
        Head.OverHeadGui.Frame.IconHolder.Computer.Visible = true

Assuming the “OverheadGui” is already parented, it should work.
If not, you can Clone the Gui & Parent it to the Character’s Head.

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But I already cloned it and I don’t want the gui get double

So it should work, no?
Check if the Gui is parented to the Character’s Head.

Its parented into the player head because when player join he will get the OverHeadGUI and I just only need a delay or way like 0.5 seconds
BTW which is better wait() or delay()?

Why don’t you just use WaitForChild?

        local Head = Character:WaitForChild("Head")
        Head:WaitForChild('OverHeadGui').Frame.IconHolder.Computer.Visible = true
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Yeah but I want to delay it for 0.5 seconds because I want to parent the OverHeadGUI to player head first