I’m planning on making all my games, current and future ones, from here on out R15 instead of R6.
A lot of my clients/fans really don’t like R15 but I’ve heard rumor is that R6 will eventually be depreciated in turn for R15 much like non-FE games a couple years ago.
Would it be wise to use R15 in preparation for any alleged updates? And if this rumored update isn’t to occur, do R15 games do better than R6 games and vice versa?
I’m not to sure about the phasing out of R6, but R15 is the next generation. A lot can be done with it. I’d say switch over to R15 because in my experience with groups and games, R15 has attracted a lot of new fan base rather than R6. But, that’s my opinion. Hopefully this helped you a little bit
and good luck with future projects!
Thanks! Yeah I’ve been leaning towards converting to R15 over R6 but I’ve received feedback from my players seem to dislike it, but I also feel like it would definitely attract a bigger player base.
Absolutely, it’s kinda awkward really in this time. It’s a transition between genre based games that have a fan base that has been with them for a while. Switching to something new and a LOT different than R6. But as you see in successful games, R15 is what gets the attention, there’s always a gem that implements a great game with R6 though. Honestly just depends on what you do. But, glad I could help you.
In general, you should use newer technologies because the older ones will not new features and eventually be phased out. Due to how many games use R6, it is far from being phased out in the near future, but this could change in 5 years. In some cases, you may be required to use R15 for certain technologies like better animations with vertex deformation (coming soon) or Rthro proportions.
Even if R6 eventually “goes away” officially, R6 is basically a subset of R15 (Just don’t move half of the joints) so you could emulate it relatively easily if you wanted to.
This heavily depends on the game genre.
For sword fights and any other classic-themed game I’d recommend using R6.
For simulators, realistic games and games made for children, I’d recommend R15.
Actually, I need to see the game so I can give you an advice.
But yes, R6 is still worth it.
Game was very thrown together about a year ago due to the forced FE update at the time, but I’m planning on giving it a proper facelift this go-around and am wondering what type of rig I should use.
Yeah, I guess so. Converting to R-15 wouldn’t be the absolute worst either if need be, as it would just be re-doing the gun animations and the way armor is positioned, but as you said before, R-15 is oriented more towards game genres that are doing pretty hot right now, and I was wondering if R-15 would attract more of those players.
If they were to ever deprecate R6 I would ensure all of my classic-style games still use it by default, even if it has to be through a script that forces the old method.
Everything has a lifespan, but R6 won’t be going any time soon. Personally, I’m biased in the matter as I highly dislike the appearance of R15. This is to the point in which I don’t even play most games purely because they force the user to use it. The only exceptions to this are cases in which the game-play is very solid.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. In my opinion, it would probably be best to do as stravant suggests and support both R15 as well as R6.
I have not heard any rumors about the R6 character being deprecated, however, I do suggest you switch to R15. Here is why:
You will probably end up playing catch up in the future.
With the new Avatar Evolution update that comes with rigging and mesh deformation, I am sure many developers will try to take advantage of that and use it for their game. I know I would. The new features pretty much enable us to make anything a character, not just a humanoid-like avatar. When developers start taking advantage of these new updates and implementing it in their game, your game will more and more start to look old, out of date, and obsolete. Eventually, you will probably end up just playing the catch-up game to compete.
You may struggle in attracting future players.
Adding on to what I said above, once developers start taking advantage of these new updates in their games, there is a chance they will start attracting more players, maybe even players who don’t play Roblox. If new players started coming into Roblox, which obviously there have been in the millions recently, they will not have the same nostalgia for R6. They will look at R6 and see at as some box-like, boring and bland design. When they see more life-like avatars, they will be more interested. In other words, choosing R6 may satisfy your current player base but may end up causing you to struggle to attract new players.
Your player base will probably not be majorly affected.
Now don’t take my word here, this is just my guess. While players may be nostalgic for R6, they will probably get used to R15. The avatar is important, but it is not your entire gameplay. If the rest of your game is attractive to your players, they probably will be okay with the change. They may just need some time to adjust.
Conclusion: It’s 2020, R6 is just a thing of the past. The new avatar features and updates are appealing to both developers and players. R6 will most likely just struggle in competing with newer avatars.
Yes, and no. It depends on what style of game you are making for the most part. Like for example, some people will put R15 in realistic styled games, while some put R6 in cartoon styled games. It’s all up to preference on what you want to use.
I would advise to try support both R6 & R15 with animations/tools. if R6 is to get depreciated, it is an easy fix to remove R6 from the script.
In advance, you will bring in more attraction to your games if you allow users to pick R6 or R15 and support it.
So far of what i’ve seen people still favour R6 today, so this may not possibly happen to be depreciated, but to stay on the safe side try support both R6 and R15.
Honestly, the few people who still clamor for R6 support are an extremely small vocal, old-school minority. You shouldn’t solely listen to what they’re saying - almost every player I see these days uses R15. You won’t split the potential playerbase by making a game R15 only.
Nowadays R6 games only really make sense in settings like swordfighting, old clan places, etc. (Edit: also in obby games) Aside from that, they just feel very dated at this point.
Yes, in first person shooting, this can make the gun animations better due to the fact you can bend the arms not like R6, and you can animated reload aswell.