Unbans are 100 percent allowed on roblox. There is a difference between getting banned from a game and from roblox. You can’t get an unban from roblox. However, for games unbans are perfectly fine. It is the creators who come up with the rules for a game. There are games that will ban you for saying something in caps lock and there are some such as rap battles that let you be toxic. This also means that the creator should have an option for unbans. Technically speaking, unbans are part of the roblox game rules. You might have an unban for different prices depending on what you did or none at all for a specific reason. If the creator decides that whatever they did was not that bad, then the player should have the option of an unban if the creator. decides that they should. In conclusion, unbans are perfectly safe on roblox.
One thing I do not recommend selling an unban for would be things such as swearing, or playing inappropriate audio. Things on the extremes. If you wish to sell unbans, you should make it a one time thing, because they can then just keep coming back. You should sell unbans at different prices for different things and not sell unbans at all for different things. While it is possible people can create a different account, a lot of players might want to actually play the game and have all of their progress back, and genuinely try not to get banned again.
I mean, selling ranks aren’t against TOS so what is a little unban purchase gonna do to be honest?
I wouldn’t state it like that. This is simply a ‘fine’ to re-enter the game from my POV. As for the alternative accounts, that is something out of his reach.
But whatever floats his boat.
its allowed, its just kind of scummy and unethical. Also, its just bad game design practice, you banned someone for them hurting or being bad to your community, why would you allow them back in for a price. The price they pay is little in comparison to what your doing to yourself. Also players can easily bypass with Alts. Finally this opens the door to abuse of it so you can make a extra couple dollars, banning people needlessly and having them pay up instead of really just changing for the better. Any game no matter what I hate the practice of selling unbans and its self destructive as well as downright unnecessary.
in short dont do it, bad for everyone involved for a couple quick dollars.
It would be blackmail.
If blackmail is against tos then yes but if blackmail isn’t then no it would still be allowed.
Regardless it’s a shady practice and immoral in my view.
You don’t even need a different ip, all you need to do is make an alt. The most they can do against this is an account age checker but most people have year old alts just waiting
Why are you even mentioning VPNs? You can’t be IP banned by a roblox game so there’s no point in bringing them up.
I could see people wanting to get their main accounts unbanned as opposed to using and alt if and only if they were really proud of their progress and/or had items/gamepasses on their main account which they considered valuable. However, that doesn’t apply to every game and may not to OP.
As for the OP, I think the posts here are showing pretty obvious disgust for selling an unban. I completely agree with the others, selling unbans is pretty shady stuff for what little profit you would make off of it. Exploiters of all people certainly aren’t going to stop exploiting after you unbanned them. People will just end up exploiting on alt accounts from the start.
IMO, you shouldn’t be looking in the direction of selling unbans at all. The profit of selling unbans shouldn’t be even remotely comparable to standard ways of profiting from games. If a game actually makes a significant portion of their income from selling unbans then that’s pretty pitiful. Look into normal ways of making income that aren’t questionably unethical.
I said vpn because I was replying to someone who was talking about changing ips, and also I was tired and still am so I said vpn instead of ip accidentally
I mean I guess this is like paying bail so I don’t see anything wrong with selling an unban.
I mean you could argue selling an unban is no different from selling access to a VIP room. You’re currently outside, and you pay to get inside. Giving someone a free trial in the VIP room doesn’t invalidate your ability to do this either - aka the period where the banned played at no charge.
Not really sure it’ll be a super lucrative product though, and it kind of ruins the point of banning in the first place - like, they were banned because they made the game worse for other players. With this product you’re essentially selling the enjoyment of your audience - something that unlike with other digital products, you do not have an unlimited supply of.
Being able to sell unbans is extremely powerful, especially when getting banned means not being able to play across many games (Global Ban across many games). By selling an unban at an extremely high price, the point is to tell the user not to try breaking rules again.
While it’s unrealistic that being banned from one game means being banned from all the games, specific groups with already front - page games can team up making this a power tool. From experience, I know that there are those who exploit on their main accounts, alternative accounts are mostly used to test the waters and being able to get those main accounts banned is important. If you’re banned from your main account from many of your favorite games and forced to use an alternative that is most likely to be banned again (losing progress/access from many games one more) I definitely see value in implementing this system.
EDIT: Banning from one game is weak, they can just get on an alternative for that one game. Banning from multiple games is much more powerful, you’re forcing them to stay on their alternative that is most likely to be banned again. And on top of that, it’s across multiple games rather than one. I’m not sure about you, but if I spent hours into many game(s) from the same owner and were banned once for something across all of his games, I’d hate to get banned again.
Yeah but let’s crunch the numbers - feel free to substitute your own in if you feel my assumptions are faulty.
Assuming 5% of the people are exploiters, say they get banned 50% of the time, say 25% of the time it’s on their main account, and then of those people about 5% of them have Robux to spend (as is the rough premium rate on Roblox), and 20% of them actually do decide to buy this product.
You end up targeting an market that’s around 0.07% of your players. I’ve no doubt some people exist who will really want it - but they’ll literally be 7 out of 10,000 players. Is that really a wide enough market to target with a product - especially one as controversial as this one?
I just think there are so many other better ways to monetize your game before this becomes an option worth considering - thus I don’t recommend it. Especially since it actively worsens the experience of the other players in the game who play by the rules.
The purpose isn’t monetization, I want to make exploiters suffer. If they don’t have enough money well too bad, you’re banned from all of my current game(s) and possibly more in the future. If you have connections, even better. You can spread this ban to other games within your category punishing that player as much as possible.
Now the purpose of the ability to purchase an unban is to deal with appeals, Roblox implement name at a cost changes and etc for the main purpose of not having spam/alts. People usually name change only on their main account and something similar applies here. If you want an unban, you want it on your main. This filters out a lot of people and potential spam or appeals.
Those numbers seem awfully low, I’ve manage to catch thousands of users (logged) with honey pots alone (these are 100% guaranteed bans for doing something that should be impossible). But then again, the point isn’t the money, If I can get that 5% banned I’ll be happy.
- They can use an alt account for free
- If their alt account gets banned, they can buy a stolen account for cheaper than you offer unbans
I’m more than aware, but the point is to ban main accounts as mentioned. I have statistics of how many people have been banned from a main account, and so what if they buy a stolen account? If they plan cheating again they’ll get banned again forcing them to pay (I don’t care how they pay I just want them to suffer).
From what I know, alternative accounts are mainly used to test the waters for anti cheats and remotes. The exploit usually then spreads to those who knows that it’s working and are usually used on a main account.
For main accounts, I guess it depends on how persistent the exploiters are.
However, most exploiters will use alt accounts for everything, not just testing. If someone wants to buy an unban, they’ll most likely be buying an unban on their alt account. Whether this is good is for the developer to decide.
Is it really worth purchasing an unban on a alternative? I don’t plan making unbans 10 robux, it’d be 1,000 (could be 10,000 depending on what games have it from connections) and higher the more connections I have, If it’s an unban it’s going to cost a lot. If someone were to buy it, I’d assume they either won’t try again or they are just filthy rich (and if they are filthy rich they’ll get caught again).
EDIT: We’re going kind of off topic but I’d be happy to discuss this in a new post regarding if selling unbans are worth it or not.
Just use temporary unbans, there’s no need to sell them.