Is the UTG (Ultimate Trolling GUI) allowed to be implemented into my game?

I think its just because roblox does not like anything to do with things that could be bad or could get them sued (sorry i just realized that your comment was old)


The reason those games weren’t banned is because they uploaded It to roblox library and call it using require() instead of inserting it into the game directly


i got banned for this a while ago, dont put it lol


That’s exactly what I did 2 years ago. Still got banned through doing that.


I’m thinking the Ultimate Trolling GUI model has detecting an inappropriate model as adult content, due violence, bypassing chat filtering or something, which is prohibited to use an UTG (Also exploiting are prohibited but it’s little laziness to report hacker). I’m not trying to do this because this is against of DevForum rules and Community guidelines.

Hopefully all UTG model will be moderated/deleted by Roblox Staff, stay safe.


Or which is half possibility was bannable, or happening, refer this topic on below.


I just require the module in dev console if I want to troll some people in my game.


That would allow you to use it without being caught by the moderation. I wonder why some games get deleted for UTG but some don’t even to this day with hundreds of people playing even at this moment.

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Sorry for the poor grammar on this one year old post. But I have the same thoughts as you. (Fun fact it has actually been exactly 365 days since posting the post below)

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Is there an official UTG Free Model?

I searched up “UTG” and “Ultimate Trolling GUI” in the toolbox, but all I got were what seemed as virus contained ones.

Where is the official one, if there is one?
Most of the time, the original free model is always the one with no viruses.


Hello. I apologise for replying to this topic so late. However, I am currently facing the same problem that you had.

How did you go about fixing this? My account was terminated for unknowingly inserting a model which maliciously snuck in the UTG. I have tried to contact Roblox support to appeal and explain my situation, but all my efforts were to no avail.


Right? I have no doubt that there are countless UTG models in the toolbox which remain unmoderated. And inserting them could potentially lead to your account being suspended, or worse, terminated, which I am a victim of. In my case, a script was hidden in a model that I inserted which linked a module containing the UTG.


It said in the first picture the specifications of the ban. It stated names of some scripts that were not allowed.


Which were not a part of what was included in my place.

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Well then Roblox moderation was wrongful with your ban. I don’t know what else to say; unless there were inappropriate scripts in your game then I don’t know why you were banned because UTG was never established or referenced as not allowed or banable in the Roblox TOS.

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Sorry I’m very late, now I know its been a couple months and they only answer after 30 days of moderations. And there is no chance in your account being revised. Sorry about that. But when I send an appeal, I told the truth that I was trying to archive the game. I told them that I did not know that [the model] was inappropriate. Which led them to tell me that my moderation was correct but they allowed access. My game remains as Content Deleted. Maybe you could get your account back. Best of luck!

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What? Lucky. They denied mine instantly.

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UTG is banable in Roblox it has Jihad bomb vests and sexual activities can be done (according to roblox support)
and I saw that they can delete your account

I was also banned from my main account for 7 days and a game [ Content Deleted ]

Deleted :happy3:

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What if the UTG doesn’t contain anything against the TOS? Am I still able to get banned?

UTG is ment to get you banned, sadly.

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