Is There a Big Studio Crashing problem going on right now?

Is There a Big Studio Crashing problem going on right now?
studio crashes upon pressing stop button when script error occurs.

I was getting the error in a script that was all messy and my Studio was crashing every time I press stop. I figured my script was just that bad or something.

Then I went to recreate it in a working version of my game. turns out when I misspell any value in my script anything with .Value in it it errors and crashes. I think its all gui stuff thats erroring.

ex. --[[isPlaying.Value = true]]-- But if I write --[[isPlaing.Value = true]]-- it crashes studio every time literally. also happened when I mis spelled these lines.
local dAWOwnerID = playerDAW.DAWOwnerID.Value – bool value
sectionsDisplay.Text = tostring(sectionsValue.Value) – int value

Is Anyone else experiencing this?
theres this person here too that posted not long before me

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Studio is working fine for me, haven’t experienced a crash today.

The Problem is also Happening when I mis spell in these areas.

  1. local script – playStip.Position = playStripOriginalPosition – mis spelled playStrip
  2. local script – songButtnClone.Text = newSongName – mis spelled button

The problem is not happening when I mis spell in these areas.

  1. Module Script – playerID = plaer.UserId,
  2. Server Script – dAWwnerID.Value = player.UserId …supposed to say dAWOwner
    Also it is a module script variable.
  3. local script – connection2 = taskBttons[i].Activated:Connect(function() – mis spelled

So the pattern seems to be with Local Scripts and with Values only. I made this little script on a new game to test and it crashes on local but not on server script.

local part = game.Workspace.Part

local function newChild(part)
local bool ="BoolValue")
	bool.Name = "bool"
	bol.Value = false
	bool.Parent = part

I hope this helps to inform roblox that theres an issue.

try the script I just posted below. just put a part in workspace and copy this in a local script.
I had mine in StarterCharacter. If it crashes when you press stop its not just me. as you can see its just a misspelling.

I just tested by doing all the steps you said. I didn’t get the same result and crash like you did.

Ok. Thanks for trying. I saw the other guys post and figured it might be a mass issue. Cause realistically, this should not be happening. Very unusual studio behavior. Right after an update.