So I have glasses, and the old roblox chat is a bit tiny, and I do prefer it over the new one because it is easier to read and not blurry.
This is the old one: (the one I like)

And this is the new one that most experiences (i hate saying that) are using.

I’ve tried to make it easier on my eyes by changing the text size in the accessability settings on my Computer, but that doesn’t affect the roblox client. It affected everything else but roblox.
And this is what it does.

But the chat is still the same size. I’ve restarted roblox numerous times but there is no change in text size.
Is there any way to change the size for my client (for me) so I can see it bigger?
The more visible dark background in the new chat is what makes it seem blurry and pixelated and hard to read.
The bubble chat is fine, but it could be just a little bit bigger.
Is there any accessability settings for ROBLOX CLIENT or a little code to run kinda like the one here has you modify a little thing to get the new Roblox Escape menu?
Links used: How to get the New Roblox Menu
(the text looks bigger in the photos than it actually is)
Roblox should really just add the ability to resize the chatbox, or at minimum the text. Accessibility appears to be among other things, very important to them, and something like this feels like a no brainer. Also maybe additionally the ability to change the opacity of the chatbot background from opaque to transparent.
I agree with everything. It’s not fair that I and other’s who have glasses and can’t really see it should have to squint and struggle just to read something while the average player who doesn’t have glasses just reads it perfectly fine and says “Hey, this is a perfect size”.
Yeah, everyone on the platform should be able to easily access and have fun in experiences with little to no problems. And some of these features like resizing text and/or the chatbox would benefit everyone. I sometimes, while not being visually impaired in any way, like to zoom in on webpages to make the text larger because I have a hard time keeping track of where I am when reading something, and having larger text helps me in a sense.
Another accessibility feature I thought of after I posted my initial comment is the ability to change the font. I’ve heard that some individuals with Dyslexia have a hard time reading certain fonts, especially those that are commonly used on most websites, including that of Roblox’s chatbox. Certain fonts like Dyselxie have been created to allow such users to more easily read the web. By allowing users to choose their own font, either by a pre-select list of fonts to choose from and/or the ability to upload your own fonts into the client to use would allow even more users to get the best experience out of the platform.