Is there animation size property for default Explosion?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Is there a property for default eplosion animation size
    like Explosion.Animation.Size = val?
  2. What is the issue?
    Make players see a distant building explode suddenly while seeing a huge explosion far away, but it seems like it doesnt have that
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    Added custom particle explosion to the pos of the Explosion instance but
    trying to view it from afar doesnt appear
    Increase Particle Emitters View Distance - #4 by TheAmazeman

Any help? :slight_smile:

From what I know, there’s no way to change the explosion’s sprite size, but you’ll either have to use Particle Emitters or create your own explosion model via tweens and meshes.

I have done both methods in both past and present games and they work can replace the default explosion.

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Well that’s very frustrating, thanks for the help anyway n have a great day

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