is there a way that i can improve upon the teleporter system
hello guys, i’ve been trying to make a teleporter system where people go inside of a part and they’ll get teleported as soon as the timer is up
so first lemme explain what it is exactly
there is a min and a max player limit,
the minimum amount of players is needed for the timer to start counting down
the maximum is amount of players that’s allowed to be inside the teleporter
when the timer counts down to 0 then all the players inside gets teleported to the place id
there are attributes inside the model (you can change them of course)
there’s a bill board gui called TeleportGui, and its for the display of players inside and time left
there’s a module its responsible for the touch part of it and its in replicated storage and called, zone plus
there’s a script that initializes all the teleporters to let them be able to work and its in server script service and it uses the tag editor plugin
and the module thats mainly responsible for teleporting players is called “SafeTeleport” and its in server storage
and finally the module that is pretty much the frame work of the teleporter system and its in server storage and its called TeleportModule
if you need me to help clarify a tad bit more then please ask and also here’s the place
teleport_place.rbxl (76.8 KB)