I have been experimenting with particles and made this tree. Is there a way to make particles cast a shadow? Or make a transparent brick cast a shadow?
There is currently no way to make particles from a ParticleEmitter cast a shadow. However, a property to do this was in the works during the development of the “Future is Bright” lighting update, as seen in v5 of the GitHub project notes here. This may make its way to Roblox Studio at some stage in the future.
Transparent bricks on the other hand can cast a shadow but only with a transparency value of 0.75 or less. This is likely done to prevent entirely transparent bricks, such as invisible in-game borders, from casting an unwanted shadow. Unfortunately it also means fully transparent bricks can’t be utilised to create the shadow effect you’re looking for.
Transparent bricks on the other hand can cast a shadow but only with a transparency value of 0.75 or less. This is likely done to prevent entirely transparent bricks, such as invisible in-game borders, from casting an unwanted shadow.
I think this shouldn’t happen personally, there’s already a property called “CastShadow” so i think that should make it so transparent blocks can make shadows, as this is something i’ve always wanted to do but not been able to because of that.