I’m thinking of making a game about the stock market! I think it would be a great way for players to experience stock market stuff and also teach them. I have thought about accessing it through the HTTP service or even through randomisation. One thing I thought of. Is this like gambling? You put money and hope for money back. Gambling is against the rules so I don’t want to add it. I also was wondering if copyright is an issue. With real life companies, I think it is but what about roblox companies, e.g. Bloxy Cola, the insurance service, etc. For these I would make randomly generated examples.
I don’t know about the idea, but please take care of the ToS and copyright issues it can ruin your entire work. You should start your project with original idea you can make some related things but change the names only it can save you from the copyright.
Well, the idea itself isn’t bad. But i have huge doubts when it comes to an active playerbase. It needs to have a good fun factor.
If the purchasing and selling of stocks affected their price the game would seem quite interesting. There would need to be a reason though for cashing out. Maybe they’d gain XP for selling, and they should be able to purchase things to give the player a reason to increase their cash. It’s a pretty interesting concept!
I think the idea is not bad, it would just be how the game would work, Will there be some kind of payment or will it be free and you would have to do stuff,
My idea is if you made the idea in studio and showed some pictures so people can get a image on how it should look like.
It’s a great theme idea. It’s not a game idea though, and it’s not something we can give you feedback on. How would you turn the theme into a game?
Weird I was just trying this game out yesterday https://web.roblox.com/games/119849505/Stock-Market-Tycoon.Maybe take some inspiration from this game by investing in roblox games that will avoid copyright.
I can’t find a game like that anywhere though. The link says error.
Stock markets isn’t gambling (if done correct). You must consider games like Roblox Uno or a spin the wheel gui in games which is actual gambling but do not get taken down. However it would be a good original idea… If your highly concerned about risks such as your work being removed, you should email roblox dev relations and check with them in advance. But I would say it should be fine. If you go ahead with it I wish good luck!
I’m not even kidding you, I was literally thinking of this idea for weeks. My only problem is that I dont actually know how to use HTTP too well.
I thought of this too. Honestly you can just disguise the names of companies but use their data. I’m also pretty sure if you let completely made up stocks rise and fall by chance, that would be considered gambling. As for copyright, I don’t see why disguising the names wouldn’t bar you from any punishment.
It’s a good concept but not fit enough for roblox as afterall, it’s based around kids.
Your right. It’s already made. Maybe I could make the concept different e.g. you can teleport to the company places where the production is happening?
Well as long as it doesn’t interfere with real life currency (being that you can transfer robux to USD) It can be a good game. It can also be a nice Education game so people can learn the stock market like you said god I did too much ELearns today so why would Education be moderated that is my question.
But like @fa_med said
and this is more of a middle school thing/high school
Simulated gambling games are permitted on Roblox if they do not involve any Robux or real currency. I’ve seen casino games on Roblox.
Also, to stay on the safe side, you may wanna use “bland name” companies (TV Tropes reference) such as the Bloxy Cola company you mentioned.
It’ll be hard to get a lot of players in the game since kids usually don’t take these types of things seriously. However, I don’t think gambling would be an issue since tycoons are very similar to this. And yes, I think you should replace real-life companies with roblox companies.
I personally like the idea, but younger audiences typically don’t think about stock market games.
You could try to add some fun minigames or make some fun/cartoony GUIs
Maybe add some sort of quests.
I’d totally play it!
About how long will development take?
Will there be a discord server?