Is this against roblox tos

i have it so you can buy crates with robux, you have a chance to get 4 diff tiers of crates all of them dont give anything that cost robux except the last one, DEV crate, gives diff rewards then other 3 and is also the rarest, it can give you a gamepass at random, or radio skin or title and a few other things, should i just make it a small chance to get ontop of a random crate of the other 3 tiers, or is it fine for it to take up one of the crates your buying with robux at random, or is that both against roblox tos

I don’t know if it’s “against TOS” but it’s good to check this out.

Specifically ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted:

When true, the player cannot interact with paid (via in-experience currency bought with Robux, or Robux directly) random item generators.

Why? Not everyone can access this, as a mechanic I doubt it will break TOS because you can treat it like any purchased object

Dunno about other parts of the TOS, but you need to ensure that the chances of each prize for the crates purchasable with robux are visible (so the chances of each tier + the chances of each prize within the tier).

This is banned in Australia to prevent Gambling games.

Australia Has Its own gambling rules , like crates.

Australia One of the non gambling countries.
Update on Paid Random Items Restriction for Australian Users - Updates / Announcements - Developer Forum | Roblox

If you are at Australia You may not gamble read this ^.

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Im pretty sure you can set dev product with setting randomitems so it will make it unusable in countries were this is banned and still can play game

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