Is this game I'm making actually scary?

I’m trying to make a game with a really intense atmosphere / scary monster to run away from.
[size=2] (also, an awesome story which I’m still working on)[/size]

[size=4]It’s called Light Bulb.[/size]

Feedback pls?

I’m currently trying to make the beginning more slowly paced.[size=3][size=2]
(It seems to throw everything it can at the player constantly, without building much suspense.)[/size][/size]

[size=3]I’m trying to make it less linear, too.[/size]

But otherwise, are there any criticisms? Ideas? I’ve been having SO much fun making this game. :smiley:


Currently playing it right now.

I’m very intrigued by the concept. I like it so far. The shifting in the camera can be weird and a little disorienting when entering new areas and clicking the lights sometimes. Also the note for the phantom had tiny text and I had to strain to make out the words you could read.

Even though the monsters are very simplistic in design and are almost just like a child’s drawing, the scene with the key and door actually kind of terrified me.

The person on the phone should have a more terrified approach and tone to it I think to give that scare factor.

You are doing pretty good at making it non-linear. It’s kind of easy to get lost in so many rooms though. Help guide the player with more clues and things of that nature. I’m only able to identify where I need to go by there actually being content in the rooms. Which I think there should be more detailed rooms and less empty ones to give it a more immersive experience. Give the rooms a purpose and reason they are there so I can tell what they are used for. Give me a reason to explore. The amount of rooms and pure size don’t seem to represent any normal sized building which is very off-putting but not a huge concern.

A back-story on why I am in this building and how I got in it would be nice. I just get thrown in with no explanation why and these creatures I have no why they are here. They just happen. I’d like to know what happened as I explore.

Lastly, having to teleport and reload everything everytime I die is kind of annoying if that can be avoided.

Overall, I love this game so far though and think it has potential. Keep up the good work.

You profile picture scared me before I actually got to the game.

Otherwise, it’s pretty good. Jumped a little after the tutorial. :open_mouth: I thought there was going to be more and didn’t expect the monster thing.

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Yeah, I’m planning for a pretty epic back-story. The game begins with an overly simple premise, and ends with a surprisingly epic ending to an awesome story. [size=1]i hope. 'Still working on it. :PPP[/size]

The empty rooms will be filled up, after I’m done polishing the game. However, some rooms will be purposely empty to add suspense / curiosity [size=1]and just to make the game feel a little bit longer. [/size] And the player won’t get very lost- so to speak. The maze will be convoluted / mazey, however, most of the routes to take will end up in the same destination.

There will also be replayability in the form of randomly chosen events, to make up for the fact that there are no checkpoints, [size=1]sadly :c [/size].

thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] Yeah, I’m planning for a pretty epic back-story. The game begins with an overly simple premise, and ends with a surprisingly epic ending to an awesome story. [size=1]i hope. 'Still working on it. :PPP[/size]

The empty rooms will be filled up, after I’m done polishing the game. However, some rooms will be purposely empty to add suspense / curiosity [size=1]and just to make the game feel a little bit longer. [/size] And the player won’t get very lost- so to speak. The maze will be convoluted / mazey, however, most of the routes to take will end up in the same destination.

There will also be replayability in the form of randomly chosen events, to make up for the fact that there are no checkpoints, [size=1]sadly :c [/size].

thanks :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

Sounds good, you answered just about all of my issues besides the phone voice one. The terrified voice tone in which I think would make a player more paranoid. A bigger focus on suspenseful music wouldn’t hurt either.

Oh yeah!

I’m planning for the monster’s design to get gradually more terrifying as the monster becomes more threatening.[size=2] (and as I get better at drawing it >_> )[/size]
Same with the voice on the phone. He’ll get more panicked / nervous in each phone-call you hear. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] Oh yeah!

I’m planning for the monster’s design to get gradually more terrifying as the monster becomes more threatening.[size=2] (and as I get better at drawing it >_> )[/size]
Same with the voice on the phone. He’ll get more panicked / nervous in each phone-call you hear. :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

Alright, cool. I think at the very end he should go like mentally insane, as he gets more paranoid and he will continue to say more crazy things and maybe at some point you see him get killed or something of that nature.

I’m really looking forward to the game though. ^-^

No; just exciting with the loud sound effects. Oh and find a better way to start the game over rather than teleporting me to a new server.

I love the camera angles. Very unique.
My only problem I could think of is that it seems like you’re aimlessly wandering through hallways with no point whatsoever. Maybe add a small bit of backstory in the beginning so the player has an idea of what’s going on? (I know it’s in the description, but who even reads that?)

Also, I found a small union error:

Sort of difficult to tell the location, but it’s in this room

Also, this piano looks amazing, but it’s impossible to play. I can’t even reach the keys.


(Not saying it needs to be playable. Just seems a bit tall.)[/spoiler]

Overall, I think it has a great beginning. I hate scary games, so I distracted myself when the monster was attacking. It really got me when
it attacked in that one room and I stood on top of the bookshelf to avoid it. I swear I thought it was going kill me. Those creepy hands.

It scared me o.o but that’s because I’m a wuss when it comes to games, horror movies are fine, but horror games I just can’t do.

The voice on the phone doesn’t sound worried enough, and it comes through to clearly. I’d re-record it and set your recording device to 8000 Hz (cellphone quality). Ye.

[quote] It scared me o.o but that’s because I’m a wuss when it comes to games, horror movies are fine, but horror games I just can’t do.

The voice on the phone doesn’t sound worried enough, and it comes through to clearly. I’d re-record it and set your recording device to 8000 Hz (cellphone quality). Ye. [/quote]

I addressed that and he said over time his voice will get more panicked and nervous, ^-^

10/10 would spook again

totes would play on TNL in a few weeks

[quote] It scared me o.o but that’s because I’m a wuss when it comes to games, horror movies are fine, but horror games I just can’t do.

The voice on the phone doesn’t sound worried enough, and it comes through to clearly. I’d re-record it and set your recording device to 8000 Hz (cellphone quality). Ye. [/quote]

I addressed that and he said over time his voice will get more panicked and nervous, ^-^[/quote]

The 8000 Hz is more important because it just seems strange picking up a phone and the voice feeling like it’s in your head. Too clear.

The guy peeking out of the door in the long hallway definitely scared me.

I think the hiding mechanic is interesting, but it didn’t seem very consistent. I didn’t know why I was hiding, and I didn’t know the rules for how to know when it was clear or not. It felt more like a Wario Ware stage than a monster coming to get me, though it was also scary

I’ll work on making the phonecall sound more muffled, and more phonecall-ish… yeah.
I also agree that the monster’s traps feel more like scary minigames ; I’m worried that they’ll start to get really repetitive rather then scary.

I guess it’s just a matter of having different unique ideas to change things up, to keep the game scary.

In that case, do you guys have any ideas for terrifying situations involving the monster?

I got scared after like the second door, and closed ROBLOX. The sound kept going so I muted my computer and came back here to pretend it didn’t scare me.

Got goose bumps a few times. Definitely gonna wait until it’s not 3 in the morning to finish it.

This is really great so far. I think the biggest thing I would mention are the phonecalls, since they just don’t really fit.

help is the monster gone

im in a locker


It feels like you’re using server scripts for effects that should be local.

Also I hate the fact that if I lose I go back to the start place and have to load the game again and again.

Off topic to what you asked, but I think you should know about it.