I’m working on the foundation of a game where two teams of players battle it out in different maps by healing and destroying structures like trees and buildings. Whether they heal or destroy depends on the type of team they’re in.
The game will be a round based game that teleports a group of players in a single teleporter to a private game for them on a random map (very similar to how Tower Defense Simulator teleports players to rounds). The two teams are Guardians and Nightmares. The two teams have certain weapons the player can choose from (they may buy weapons for each team in a weapon shop), and those weapons can damage players in the enemy team, and if the player is a Guardian, the weapon restores structures hit, and if they’re a Nightmare, they damage the structures hit. The player must buy weapons for each team, for example, if a player wanted a sword for each team, they have to buy it for the Guardian role, and then they must buy it again for the Nightmare role. The teams will share similar weapons, but they will have some exclusive weapons as well. Players can take three weapons to each round.
The round gameplay is similar to turf wars from Splatoon, the more structures are in good shape, the more the Guardians will win and vise versa for the Nightmares. Players may choose what role they will play as just before a round starts, and if there are no players on a team, the team with players must reach a target score of 75% or something of structures in their favor. “Score” is calculated by the amount of health a structure has, and what state the structure is in. If the structure is healthy, how much health it has will be added to the Guardians, and if it’s destroyed, how much negative health it has will be added to the Nightmares, the team with the most points, or highest score, wins.
Players have infinite lives, and when they die, they go back to their spawn base. Enemies cannot get in the player’s team spawn base, and they have a forcefield for 5 seconds when they respawn. There is automatic health regeneration and it’s done in a way where if the player isn’t damaged for a while, they will start to regenerate health.
There is exp for each team, every player has separate exp levels for each role, meaning if they win as a Guardian, they only get exp for their Guardian level. Same for Nightmares. Exp is given no matter what, but more is given if a player wins a round. Players also get coins to buy weapons with, and there is no team exclusive coins, but players must reach a certain level with their role before they may buy weapons.
This is what I have planned out for the round and weapon gameplay and mechanics. May I have feedback on what I have planned so far? I’m trying to make this so players are not forced to be on opposite teams, but rather encouraged, and I want it to be fun no matter what the team layout is, and I want it to be so fun and engaging that the player will consider playing a second round.
By the way, the game will not be a shooter, there will be guns maybe but there are weapons like swords and bombs as well.
Also, I’m not sure if I said this in the post so I’m going to say it here/ The two teams are equal in gameplay, just that one side is good and the other is evil.