Is This Violating Roblox Game Rules

So me and a friend want to make a game like Plague Inc on ios and android and we want to know if were able to make it or not. Thanks


Why would this be violating the terms of service? Due to the pandemic you mean?

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yeah since its about making a disease and it spreads

I don’t think it’s actually violating, there have been simulators about covid etc. all over the place and as far as i know they haven’t been terminated

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ok thanks for the feed back…

No it is not violating anything, since it not about actual viruses or anything it is OK to do.

Its not violating the ToS from what youve told us, although a good majority of people I know are heavily against monetizing Covid-19. Its perfectly safe to do so, but that doesnt necessarily mean your game will do well.


No, I don’t see how it violates any kind of rule.

Avoid using the name of any ongoing epi/pandemics and I doubt you’ll run into any issues. Using current ongoing situations is where it gets a bit blurry and grey the line is clearly drawn (see Elliott’s reply).


The rules are very clear. No games about tragedies. Enforcement is fairly spotty, but it is beyond clear that you are NOT allowed to make games related to disease at this time.


But the game isn’t explicitly about COVID-19. It’s just a Plague Inc. clone.

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It’s still not appropriate to create a game like that at this time, and I strongly doubt that a moderator would exhibit sympathy given the severity of the ongoing pandemic.


I fail to see how an ongoing world event should result in an entire genre being prohibited. While it is sad, the game the OP is trying to make is not related to COVID-19 at all aside from the fact that the game would be about creating a plague. Surely even the Roblox mods aren’t that overbearing.

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I think this rule can be broadly misintrepted. If he is not mentioning the current pandemic, he should be fine. It may not be 100% morally right to make during a pandemic but it does not violate a rule. Let’s take WWI for example. A complete tragedy but many games have been made about it on roblox.

furthermore games like this are on roblox. Bad ratings but are still there. @YumReesesPuffs No you’re not breaking the rules but be careful to stay within the lines of reason. i hope this helped


If it’s not about an actual disease or a tragedy, there’s no reason for it to be against the Rules.

However, take note that majority of the game audience is young therefore sensitive to types of stuff like this, it might not get your game deleted but ratings will drop heavily. It’s possible to get your game reported as well.

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As others have pointed out, no reason for it to be against rules however, crossing lines during certain situations (for example, creating a game about forest fires when there is a literal one) and other similar cases can lead to heavy criticism of creating a game during those situations.

You might not get warned/banned but it is very much on the grey line.

All of those games are undeniably against Roblox’s policy on tragedies, they’re just not enforcing it; but that’s not a reason to make the game.

Your reputation will be suffer and you will get hate; and if Roblox wakes up on the right side of the bed, your game will be removed and you will be banned.


I think they have not reinforced this rule due to the broadness. It’s not against the rules unless he makes it about actual tragedies that happened & he’s not using as a reason to make the game. But yeah, I do agree with the reputation part. As the pic I provided above ^ those games got considerable hate. I doubt roblox will enforce this rule as much as others because they would be killing a lot of games and creators.

To be brutally honest, I don’t think a majority of the common players care enough about said tragedies to complain about them. Most general people, who are also children, play Roblox because they want to have fun. Sure, they probably know that Covid is going on and that it’s a global event that’s unfortunate, but to most of them it’s just something happening in the background.

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But those games aren’t about Covid. They’re just plague simulators. Again, I really doubt the Roblox mods are going to ban an entire genre of games just because a world event happens to share its theme. You have to consider that perhaps the creators of these games didn’t have covid in mind when they were making these types of games, and that they simply did it because they had an idea that they thought was cool at the time.