I am struggling to make animations for one of my models, and I’ve come across the issue that Studio’s Animator lags very much when editing the position of the parts. So I wanted to try TweenService, but I saw that it should be used on Client (my wanted way) and still, it kinda lags. I saw a module that adds customization, but what is your opinion on what I should use?
I used to develop for a group that used tweens instead of animations and we had to shut down the servers every 2 hours because the servers kept getting way too laggy
Animations contain tweening between your keyframes, but it’s all done earlier and baked into the animation itself. You’re just playing back what was already done.
Animations are getting built in optimizations. It probably depends on how many values are in your animations (different position states, I don’t know their technical name), I suggest using animations and enabling client animator throttling under workspace. It helps with animation performance, something you’d have to implement on your own if you used tween service.
Also not a lot of games feel the need to do this, but if you have a lot of ‘heavy’ animations, you might benefit from playing them all on the client if possible and only playing the animation if they’re within 30-50 studs of the local player.
I can say that I already chosed another version of TweenService, BoatTween, and I’m not willing to go back. What I did works fine, just struggling with some value stuff.
Depends, I mean a lot of people use Moon Animator, Which tweens between keyframes, And I’ve rarely seen performance issues with Moon Animator, So to be fair its probably not something to worry about, as long as you don’t have a lot of tweens going on at once.