Would 441 parts to animate affect performance?

This is not a joke.

I am trying to do the following:

Of course, not a QR code though.

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i dont think so unless if you have a pretty bad computer

This damn thing is lagging me a lot

yeah you need a high performance computer maybe delete some parts to make it less laggy

Well it will import from ReplicatedStorage but I guess it will still take some space. Oof…

or you could upgrade your graphics card but that could be really expensive

Heheheh that’s not gonna happen in 500 years. Honestly.

Just realized something.

There aren’t 441 here. And if they are, then wow!

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From my math, it’s 416. 32 rows and 13 columns multiplied.

Are you doing this on the client?

Also are the 416 parts being created with Instance.new, or do they already exist in the game?

Try doing this on the server if not already and destroying the parts when they aren’t in the players view anymore.

Particle should save resource than many parts, But I’m not sure it is possible on roblox

Not even the full thing :rofl:

Yes, not everyone sees this cutscene.

Already exist in the game, but mass imported.

I cannot, changing the camera requires a LocalScript, and this will lag ALL clients.

Particles? I am not using any.

there are 441, it is listed in “alphabetical” format.
I would like to offer that maybe the lag is from inverse kinematics. Where the more connected nodes you add, the work required grows exponentially.
Also, its possible to use math to move a camera in a fancy way if that’s what you want, and have the rest of the animations updated by the server.
(you can send a server specific data to a player through the playerGui if i am not mistaken)

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Alien speech

That won’t be the case, I am not that good at math and I just can’t do that.

That won’t be the cas either, because all the parts in the QR code are CanCollide = false and there are no collisions or such.

I’m not very acquainted with Roblox animations, but aren’t inverse kinematics a thing to do with moving a family of joints, and not physics ?

Inverse kinematics work on custom Blender characters and R15 characters. I don’t have the option, nor I would want to enable it.

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