Issue with creating grappling hook

Hello, I am currently working on a grappling hook or in my case a grappling arm. The grappling system is working fine, but the hand isn’t. my current issue is that the hand isn’t pointing at the right place or not located where it should be when the traveling action is being played. I am using pretty much same system as the one X_O created, but i wanted an physical arm instead of normal beam.

Here is how i made the grappling arm

And it do this, note i made the hook go slower so its easier to see the issue:
FirstVideo.wmv (1.9 MB)

Then i did some changes on line 96:

And here is the result:
SecondVideo.wmv (2.0 MB)

This is a video of how i want it to be if you didn’t get it:
robloxapp-20210111-1330567.wmv (1.5 MB)

And finally i will leave an open source so you can go and check the script if you like, i hope someone can find me a solution or have another method which can do it better. I am open for ideas.

Just a suggestion use CFrame.LookAt instead of