Issue with custom humanoid rig coloring

I built this custom penguin rig:


But when I insert a humanoid into the model, it changes the body colors:


GIF of inserting humanoid:

Does anyone know why this color change is happening and how I can prevent it? Thanks!


This seems like undesired behaviour, you might want to file a bug report for that.

As a workaround, you may be able to insert a BodyColors object into the model, and then setting the correct colors in there. This should override the properties of the part and whatever the Humanoid is doing to the model.

(PS: BodyColors only allows 6 colors to be set as if it were an R6 figure. From your rig it seems like the upper and lower torso may be colored differently, which means this won’t be a 100% solution to your issue.)


I’ve run into this issue as well a few months ago, and it cannot solved with body colors. You can fix this until roblox pushes a fix by using special meshes instead of meshparts. The collisions won’t be as accurate, but the colors will be fixed.

Edit: From my experience this only happens with custom r15 humanoid rigs with meshparts

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I had the same issue with my custom rigs, what I believe is occuring is that the UV maps don’t match that of a Humanoid rig’s and gives off the weird “neon” style effect that non-mapped faces would have. I would imagine that this issue would dissapear if the parts were textured. Alternatively, you could change the material to be anything but plastic or smooth plastic.

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Same problem here. The skin turns gray.


This issue is still occurring. It seems to only happen when Humanoid.RigType is set to R15 and the rig is parented out of the workspace then back into it.

2 years later and I still have this issue lol.

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Easiest fix I’ve found:
Dont use Plastic or Smooth Plastic

Any other material works

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easiest fix that I found is to use humanoid description and put that into Humanoid

Make sure the rig does not have the BodyColors property. I think it used to be under the humanoid. I just had this issue and fixed it by deleting the body colors.

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