Issue with Experimental Mode message

So I created this game back in 2018 and decided to use it for a game I’m working on, however, I noticed that there was the Experimental Mode message that didn’t seem to go away.

I’ve been looking on the DevForum to see how I could remove it and many of them said that it will go away after the place is visited once, but if you look at the screenshot below, it’s obviously been visited already and still hasn’t gone away. Could anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

[Screenshot below]

You have to have played it once

I did but it still didn’t go away. Possibly a website bug?

So the message about game not functioning as intended? Well you need to update the game. That happens when you make a game public.

How would I update it? I’ve been looking on the forum and YouTube and nothing seems to be working

Ok open the game in studio and go to file in the top left corner and click publish to roblox.

No, you need to go into Studio, and then in workspace, make sure the “FilteringEnabled” property is checked. Then publish and play your game once.

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Just did, still didn’t do anything :confused:

Oh ok do what Little_Joes said.

One more thing, I found a topic on this with a quick google search. You should try searching before posting so you won’t have to wait for replies if there is already a quick solution. Summary: Filtering enabled may not be enabled on your place. Enable it and play the game once. It should be gone now.

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