*This game may not function as intended* even though it is completely new

Same issues i am starting to think something has gone wrong with roblox or something

is a Possibility you could try doing this Later

Also this isn’t the first place that i post this issues in my game there’s only one thing from the toolbox and that thing i have confirmed that it is not the problem as i’ve asked people who also use it because it is a module script that can calculate really really big numbers and no one who is using it as well is having any issues with this. (i brought this up just to let you know about)

Maybe there could be something changing Filtering Enabled Property.
(low chance but i recommend checking your plugins and scripts in game)

There’s is nothing that’s changing it i did Ctrl + f to search but no results.

I had this issue, this was the solution: (a topic I made)

Many people say this, run the code, and then find that it isn’t, possibly due to internal bugs or just checking the wrong place. It only takes a second to run it and post the result.

I understand it’s frustrating to answer the same question, but if you won’t accept help and run the diagnostics that people give you in the replies, then the post is pointless and your issue will never be resolved.

Proof i don’t need to use it

This happens to me all the time just wait and it will go.


Okay, thank you. How many visits has the place had since the last update? Perhaps the system is just being a bit slow. I know for some people they needed quite a few visits for it to realise the change.

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Just update the game. This happens to me all the time.

Having the same issue here too, I thought first is just my game then I created random game which only had baseplate on it then made it public and it straight up gave me and error.

It’s usually because you’re using a deprecated method, it can also be a problem with Remote Functions.

If they error out just because there’s no arguments for example, the game will say, oh this game might not work.

Try checking if there’s arguments on the remote function; event, whatever;

Using filtering (message filtering) on the client can also cause the same from my experience.

It may also be if there’s some deprecated method or something Roblox have disabled. Did you use a tutorial or any free models to make your game? It could be due to following an outdated tutorial or using a very old model.

If you play the game in Studio with the various test modes, are there any errors or warnings in the output window?

I also have this problem, and I have done what some post did to remove the warning (including this post), which still did nothing, there is also no errors, deprecated methods, or free models used:

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Have you tried joining the game in question? Roblox sometimes doesn’t update the warning message until a player plays it. I also doubt deprecated code has anything to do with this, unless it’s setting the property to false and Roblox’s doing a check based upon that

Bump. I am also receiving this issue. Tried resolving the issue by consulting other support threads, all had the same solution. In the past, this has always fixed the warning message for me. However, it seems something has changed recently. Whether this was an update pushed by ROBLOX, or just a weird error occurring on the website as of recently, I am not sure. I’m at least relieved that I am not the only one experiencing this problem.

I am also glad that others are having it because i thought it might only have been me and the really weird thing is that it most be due to a roblox update since all my previous games have not had that problem

i have tried joining and a lot of other people already asked me to do this and the same problem still there

After a few visits in your game this disappears after a short while,

Or as previously said FE is on