Issue with Immersive Ads - Scamming Game Creators

I am reaching out to report a concerning issue regarding the Immersive Ads feature on the Roblox platform, specifically related to compensation for game creators. It appears that despite users viewing the ads implemented within our games, there seems to be a problem with the process, as creators like myself are not receiving any compensation, or at least, I have not been receiving any earnings from the Immersive Ads program.

As a game creator, the Immersive Ads feature holds significant potential to generate income and support the development of our projects. However, the lack of compensation for the ads displayed in our games raises concerns about the effectiveness and reliability of this system. It is essential that Roblox addresses this issue promptly to maintain trust and ensure fair compensation for the efforts invested by creators.

To provide you with more information and context about the problem, here are the key points regarding the issue with Immersive Ads:

  1. I have implemented the Immersive Ads feature in my game, as instructed by the Roblox developer documentation.
  2. Users have been actively engaging with the ads, and I can confirm that the ads are being displayed and viewed within my game.
  3. Despite users’ interactions and the ad views registered, I have not received any compensation or earnings associated with the Immersive Ads program.

This issue is deeply concerning, as it affects not only myself but potentially numerous other game creators who rely on the Immersive Ads program as a source of income. It is disheartening to invest time and effort into creating engaging experiences for users, only to find that the expected compensation is not being provided.

I kindly request that the Roblox Bug Support Team thoroughly investigates this matter to identify the root cause of the issue. Additionally, I urge you to take swift action in rectifying the problem to ensure that game creators receive the appropriate compensation for their participation in the Immersive Ads program.

In order to assist with your investigation, I am willing to provide any necessary information or evidence, such as screenshots or relevant data, that may help in resolving this issue effectively. Please let me know if there are any specific details you require from my end.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I sincerely hope that Roblox will prioritize addressing and rectifying this issue promptly. It is vital for the continued growth and success of the platform that game creators receive fair compensation for their contributions.

I appreciate your assistance and look forward to hearing from you soon.



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Hi @lliliililililillliii, we have not see ad impressions being registered in your experience, would you mind DMing me the place file so our team can investigate? Furthermore, have you tried inserting image and/or portal ads?

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