Issue with making window bigger on click solved

I am making a game about windows XP and I cant get the ui so increase in size when clicking a button

Code: (I’m not a good coder I’m learning)

game.StarterGui.Options.BooglesFrame.Size = “{0.958, 0},{0.887, 0}”

I’m not the best at scripting (so I may be wrong, still learning like you). But I believe you have to edit the GUI size for the individual player. StarterGui is for new players, PlayerGui is for each individual player (if you edit the StarterGui frame, only new players who join will get the updates you did to the frame)

So, you actually may be editing the Gui for future players who join, but not the current players.

Maybe try (this is if the script is a local script):
game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Options.BooglesFrame.Size = “{0.958, 0},{0.887, 0}”

this didn’t fix it but I think its because were not naming the click button ui perhaps for it to see it and work

I assume you’re doing “THE BUTTON UI.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function ()”?
And the script I sent before was only for local scripts.

So you want the code to make the Windows XP mouse UI bigger in size when it is clicked on a GUI?

I had it for local scripts but im trying to do game.startergui.Options.BooglesFrame = (size) but im not to sure where to add the gui button to make it more bigger…

making the ui bigger when you click a button

The mouse size? Or like a minimize thing?

So clicking a ui will make the tab bigger thats all

or even if its just sizing it with your mouse by dragging the corners

I think you can use this website as a source of information regarding how to scale a GUI size since I am not really a good GUI Designer.

Try this.
Add a local script in the button which you want the player to click to change the size of “BooglesFrame”.

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function ()
	local playergui = player.PlayerGui
	local booglesframe = playergui.Options.BoogleFrame
	booglesframe.Size = "{0.958, 0},{0.887, 0}"

Edit: This code won’t work, you’ll need to use I believe to actually resize “BooglesFrame” how would I do that

This is where I’m a bit confused at, I can read the documentation for a minute or two & may be able to edit the script to use UDim2 if you’d like. Unless you want to read the documentation. Again, sorry. Just like you, I’m still learning.

If possible please try but if you cant thanks for the help

Give this a try.

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function ()
	local playergui = player.PlayerGui
	local booglesframe = playergui.Options.BoogleFrame
	booglesframe.Size =, 0, 0.887, 0)
end), OffsetX, ScaleY, OffsetY)
That’s how you use it. UDim2 on

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I used this and it appeared to do nothing

Can you send a screenshot of where you put the local script?
