Issues with bubble chat text filtering

I am hearing reports of users having text filtering issues in games that use only Bubble Chat. Games that don’t use “Classic” in the upper left corner. I am not able to reproduce any problems.


I’m not sure what bug you refer to, but I’ve seen in several games with both Classic and Bubble turned on that the bubble chat sometimes misses the words at the end of sentences. Unlikely to be an issue with the filtering though.

Can confirm that words are sometimes missing in bubble chat.


Thanks guys. I was referring more to issues like words are filtered in Classic chat but not Bubble, or vice versa. The fact words get cut off is a problem though. I’ll rename this post so it can get picked up as a bug.

A while ago, <13 users weren’t having their bubble chats properly filtered by the whitelist (even though my custom chat did display the correctly filtered messages). That got fixed eventually, I’m not sure if any inconsistencies of the sort still exist. They might’ve just been referring to the bugs posted above.

What I’ve noticed is entire messages being hashtagged out; unsure of the absolute cause.

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Yeah random things keep getting filtered, and then someone else will say it and it’s not filtered. It’s really inconsistent and hard to reproduce.

Thanks @B_rcode and @Digital_Boy. The new filter hashes out entire sentences, if the sentence is short. Longer sentences and posts will have only the blocked words hashed. This is to prevent short sentences with clear meanings, like, “#### you.”

This thread is specifically about Bubble Chat within the game client. Does anyone have issues about filtered bubble chat?