Issues with Restoring Deleted UGC Dynamic Head Bundles and Missing Appeal Options

I am experiencing 2 major issues with the restoration process and appeals for deleted bundles (Dynamic Heads) on Roblox, and I’d like to report these problems to seek a resolution.

The first issue involves bundles that I successfully appealed. After submitting an appeal for several deleted bundles, I received confirmation from the moderators that these items did not violate any rules. They assured me that the bundles would be restored within 3 days. However, despite this confirmation, the bundles have not been restored. For some of these cases, it has already been weeks since the appeal was accepted, and I am still waiting for the restoration.

The second issue occurs when only the dependencies (such as meshes or textures) of a bundle are removed. Since the bundle itself remains technically intact but its dependencies are missing, the system automatically marks the bundle as rejected (deleted). As a result:

  • No appeal panel is generated in the Violations & Appeals section for these bundles.
  • I do not receive any notification or moderation regarding the deletion.

Summary of Issues

  1. Unrestored Bundles After Accepted Appeals – Despite the moderators confirming that several deleted bundles did not violate any rules and promising restoration within three days, these bundles have not been restored even after weeks.

  2. No Appeal Option for Bundle Deletion Due to Dependencies Removal – When the dependencies (meshes or textures) of a bundle are deleted, the bundle itself is also deleted. However, since the deletion is caused by the removal of the dependencies, no appeal option is generated for the bundle under the “Violations & Appeals” section. Additionally, I do not receive any notifications or moderation messages regarding the deletion.

These two issues are causing delays and making it difficult to resolve the situation effectively.

This leaves me with no clear way to address the issue.

To resolve this, I have had to contact Roblox Support and the UGC Appeals team directly. However, despite confirming that the deletion of the bundles did not violate any rules, the bundles still have not been restored after more than 3 days.

Bundle IDs Affected:
776097, 777795, 393540, 394053, 401725, 418096, 1182196, 1219499, 1227099, 1227397, 1220498, 1218896, 1223196, 1232896, 1233197, 1221797, 1219495, 1231296, 1222697, 1225796, 1228795, 1219295, 1229195, 1228395, 1217096, 1180702, 1174695, 1185796, 1177497, 1213396, 1211796, 1186901, 1183597, 1179800, 1178399, 1183297, 1189900, 1190198, 1188701, 1185495, and 1189495.

Expected Behavior:
I believe the following improvements should be made to address these issues:

  • Bundles with accepted appeals should be restored within the specified three-day period as promised.
  • Agents handling appeals should be informed about this issue to ensure they complete the restoration process properly.
  • For bundles where only the dependencies are deleted:
    • An appeal panel should be generated in the “Violations & Appeals” section for bundles, allowing creators to submit appeals.
    • Notifications should be sent to creators when their bundles are deleted.

Screenshot References Showing Moderators Confirming Bundles Do Not Violate Rules:
I will provide screenshots of several emails where moderators confirm that the bundles do not violate any rules.


These issues are causing significant delays in restoring my content and make it difficult to address moderation actions effectively. I hope this report helps identify the problem and leads to a solution.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Hello @PseudoRNG3816, I created this after your reply and I hope it gets addressed as soon as possible. I wanted to tag you to keep you informed.

Thank you for the report. We are triaging this issue at the moment and will circle back as we understand this better


We’ve identified the root cause for what is causing the bundle appeals to not reverse correctly.

We are working on a fix and expect to have it done by middle of January.

A very laborious work around involves the following:

  1. If a mesh or texture is moderated for the given bundle, please get it restored first.
  2. Please get the affected body part(s) restored next
  3. Finally, please get the bundle restored.

We are currently fixing this gap and sequencing need in our systems

Thank you for the report


Thanks for marking this as a solution. Just to clarify, in early January, we will have fixed this via automation and are tracking to that.

The Solution marker starts a countdown to close the topic - In case the topic gets closed, feel free to start a new one linking back as needed.

Thank you and happy holidays


I didn’t know that marking replies as a solution would automatically close it after a certain time, thank you for letting me know, and I removed it to ensure there are no changes in the bug report.

Once the bundles are restored, meaning fixed on my end, I can mark it as a solution to avoid bothering you with different bug reports and to stay on topic.

It’s great to hear that it will be fixed quickly through automation. Thank you for keeping me updated, and happy holidays to you too!

Hello, it’s been about a month since my last reply, and we’re now in the middle of the month. During this time, I submitted an appeal for one of my bundles, anticipating a delayed response. My appeal was accepted 11 days ago, and they informed me that Bundle ID: 1219499 would be restored within 3 days. However, it’s been 11 days, and I haven’t seen any progress.

I replied, mentioning that the bundle still hasn’t been restored despite them stating it would be fixed soon, and I included a link to this bug report. I received a response stating that they had forwarded it for further review, but it’s now been a week since that reply, and there’s still no update.

So, I’m wondering if you have any updates regarding this issue, how much longer I’ll need to wait, or what steps I should take during the appeal process. The Appeals team saying for months that it doesn’t violate the rules but then doing absolutely nothing further really makes me lose hope in this process.


Hi - we have fixed this issue for any appeals made after January 10. Please let us know if the issue remains for newer appeals

For older appeals that were not successfully restored - we are unable to do this automatically at the moment. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.


For older bundles, please continue to use the support channel for any bundles where the appeal was successful but its not restored. They’d be able to restore it correctly this time around


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Thank you so much for your help. I’ve submitted appeals for all my bundles, and I’ll let you know as soon as there’s any update on whether the bundles are restored or not.

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Not from this account, but the bundles I uploaded from another account were successfully restored, so I’m marking your reply as the solution. Thank you!


Although the main issue regarding appeals was fixed, there is still major inconsistencies with what is approved by support and what is moderated by Roblox.

This bundle, 1114399, was checked by a moderator just 5 days ago and approved, and has already been deleted for “Misusing Roblox Systems.” I’ve waited close to 2 months for this bundle to be approved, and I don’t understand how a moderator can say it violates systems when it had just got the green light to be sold again on the website. I’ve had to buy premium a second time aswell to onsale these bundles since it’d been so long, and now all of my best sellers are deleted.

This seems very unfair and I’d hope that there is a way that the support team and moderators for the website can communicate in the future so this doesn’t happen.

The bundle in question appears to be available in the catalog, so I don’t quite understand what you mean.

Also, even if your appeal is accepted, it can still be subject to moderation again—they can’t change that nature, so I don’t expect much of an update regarding that. Classic clothing has been dealing with the same issue since Roblox’s existence, and it’s still the same.

The bundle appeal process is extremely fast right now, and I hope this will minimize the issue for everyone. That was the whole point of the bug report anyway. As soon as my appeal was accepted, my bundles were already restored, meaning the appeals team has reached a much better position than before.

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? I’m confused if they just put this back up now, I still have a violations notice for it and I’m currently banned for this bundle.

While I can agree with your sentiment about appeals being approved, the communication between moderation and the appeals team needs to be talked about. If one moderator can approve my bundle and another thinks it is violating, there needs to be a consensus between the two so appeals can be much more stable and items can last longer than a week.

That bug usually happens if multiple items of yours were deleted. So even if your appeal was accepted, you get stuck on the ban screen because a bunch of your bundles got deleted afterward. Unfortunately, that should be the topic of another bug report. I think submitting an appeal will easily lift the ban, so you can contact them via Roblox Support

I personally would love for there to be consensus between the appeals team and the moderators, but what we’re facing is moderation mixed with Roblox’s AI and outsourced moderators, so I’m not too hopeful, to be honest. Since moderation is moving more towards automation every day, I think the possibility of what you’re saying is decreasing more and more.


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