It is currently too difficult to swim up

Since an update from last fall (September or October maybe) it has been very difficult to swim upwards in terrain water. The update took away jumping while being underwater and made any form of attempting to swim upwards very slow. If you swim forward, the only way to also move upward is to move your camera far down, but if you want to move vertical, moving your camera all the way down moves you upward at a very slow pace. Previously you could hold jump to do either of these things which felt much more responsive and user friendly. Right now the fastest way to resurface is to hold jump while not moving. This is very confusing to figure out and feels as if you have to game the controls just to move around the way you want. Previously, there was also a convenient way to control resurfacing speed by changing the JumpPower property and now there is no way to do this save from putting a BodyForce in the player.

I have heard complaints from lots of players (I have a game where you swim primarily) about it being too hard to swim since the update. From my personal perspective, my swimming game has felt a lot less enjoyable because of how frustrating it can be just to move around now. I feel that improving Roblox’s swimming is something that should be addressed to improve the user experience in Roblox. My idea for a fix would be to keep the upward swimming speed consistent with the rest of the swimming, and allow for the player to hold jump to resurface. It would also be a good change for developers to let them affect resurfacing speed like we can affect swimming speed, through JumpPower or a different property.

Thanks for reading! I hope you consider these changes to improve Roblox!


I agree with this. Resurfacing is too confusing and slow now. It should be faster and resurfacing speed should always be constant.


In my fishing game where players can jump in the water to see fish, I have had multiple players say they are stuck in the water or find difficulties getting out so I added a /stuck command that brings them to the closest safe point which usually at the start of a dock or somewhere on the beach. I feel like I shouldn’t have to give players special commands to do these things to help solve issues that we can’t control such as swimming physics. I hope this gets looked into again, so I support this.


Agreed. The force that is currently applied is really small and while you are moving it is almost impossible to resurface without making a full stop and holding space. Even staying still and letting buoyancy take care of that for you is faster than resurfacing with space.


I can get to the surface pretty quickly in an empty baseplate with water. Is this what you’re experiencing in your games?

If not, I would file a bug report.

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I have an idea… try that with R6.

Edit: nvm still works.

I think the problem is that you have to stand completely still to swim up, which isn’t very intuitive.


berezaa is right, in that video, you are staying still, which is the fastest way to resurface. The problem is when you are moving and trying to swim up at the same time. Try swimming upward by moving your camera to face the surface and moving forward, or swim horizontally and hold jump to try and move upward, both of these will be very slow.

i dont really get why using spacebar to jump out of water got removed, so hard to swim now. Support :yum:


Because it was ugly & you couldn’t swim normally at the water’s surface level.

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I programatically logged the speed the character was moving and confirmed. While not moving and surfacing, the character moves at 16 WalkSpeed (regardless of what you set WalkSpeed to), and while moving, surfacing or not, you travel at about 70% WalkSpeed. Would be nice to have the following changes:

  • Character travels at 100% WalkSpeed when moving through water regardless of direction
  • Holding spacebar uses character’s WalkSpeed instead of hardcoded constant of 16

This is still possible