It is not mentioned how AnchorPoints behave for rotated UIs

Issue Description

As demonstrated here, the way AnchorPoints work for rotated UIs is, being positioned as if the UI was unrotated. The following two pictures of this arrow UI demonstrate this, in both pictures it’s positioned at UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5) , with an AnchorPoint of, 0.5) , in the first picture its rotation is 0, for the second it’s 45. You can see the UI basically rotates around its center, and if you imagine the second picture to be unrotated, you can see AnchorPoint coinciding with the middle of the screen.


The wiki should mention this.

Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: GuiObject.AnchorPoint

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It seems like this was mentioned in the Rotation documentation. Thanks for @catgirlin_space for pointing it out!

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