It lags when i scale up a part

Im tyring to move a part normal but when i scale it up it lags when i group the part it dosent how do i fix it


You’re probably dragging multiple parts that is in your highlighted thing, but I ain’t sure since I never had that problem. Try resetting ROBLOX studio and see if it works. If it doesn’t just let me know.

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Well im not sure maybe i will remake the game

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Try using the search bar up top. I found a couple hits when I searched “lag when resizing a part”:

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Make sure your game is virus free.

If your Studio graphics are too high and your game has a lot of parts, it could be because of this.

Try downgrading Studio graphics.


If it was just a part you were scaling and was lagging, there are a few reasons I can come up with:

you have…

  1. Too many parts in workspace
  2. Too many parts with cast shadow enabled
  3. A crappy device
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Virus free? This is in studio mode not play mode. I’ve tried disabling all plugins as well and this still happens.

I have none of that. I’ve tested on a brand new map as well, long parts just seem to lag when scaling them to long lengths. Even on practically empty maps this happens.

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