Item Not Showing In Backpack

This is a question from my previous forum, is just that no one is active on it anymore and I am desperate.

I know this seems stupid but I cannot make the boombox appear in someone’s backpack. What I am basically trying to achieve is that when someone buys the boombox gamepass the player receives it and when a player already has the gamepass joins the game they will get the boombox in their backpack. What I’m I doing wrong here? If you help it will be greatly appreciated.

Btw the print statement does appear in the output, which makes me more confused.

My suggestion is to check if the backpack does exist because that script should work, it may be that the backpack wasn’t fully loaded.

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I checked and the backpack is indeed inside of the player, with nothing in it aswell

Print player.Backpack, it may exist now, but it might’ve not existed then.

wait I think I just accidentally figured out a solution, about when you said that the backpack hasn’t loaded in, i putted a wait(1) then it suddenly worked… thanks for helping me out though!

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