Items containing typos in their names

Many items’ names are currently misspelled. I’ve included the title that I would recommend each one be changed to.
8-Bit Snakeyes” - “8-Bit Snake Eyes”
Blue Turtle Buckeet” - “Blue Turtle Bucket”
Brighteyes’s Sparkling Shillelagh” - “Brighteyes’ Sparkling Shillelagh”
Bronze Kopesh” - “Bronze Khopesh”
Dalmation Hat” - “Dalmatian Hat”
Darkage Master” - “Dark Age Master”
Fiery Living Stole” - “Fiery Living Stole”
Geode Tophat” - “Geode Top Hat”
Glittering Geode TopHat” - “Glittering Geode Top Hat”
GothicTophat” - “Gothic Top Hat”
Homemade Jet pack” - “Homemade Jetpack”
Hot Pink 8bit Headphones” - “Hot Pink 8-Bit Headphones”
Leprachaun Potion” - “Leprechaun Potion”
Leprachaun’s Gold Rainbow Laser Gun” - “Leprechaun’s Gold Rainbow Laser Gun”
Leprachaun’s Lucky Blade” - “Leprechaun’s Lucky Blade”
Oldschool Animation Pack” - “Old School Animation Pack”
Pretty Pretty Princess Sceptor” - “Pretty Pretty Princess Scepter”
Sparkletime Crown of O’s” - “Sparkle Time Crown of O’s”
The Bull Moose Vengence” - “The Bull Moose Vengeance”
The Pharaohs Guard Sword” - “The Pharaoh’s Guard Sword”
Toxic Nemisis” - “Toxic Nemesis”
## the Art Teacher - Head” - “Yi the Art Teacher - Head”

(I am aware that some of these were already posted on the Report Catalog Bugs thread, but that thread hasn’t received official attention since 2019 so I thought it would be fine to post a master list of what needs to be fixed here.)

Expected behavior

The items’ names should be changed to use the proper spellings of the words to be consistent with American English and the existing series that some of these items are a part of (such as the Top Hat and Sparkle Time series).


You spelt Dalmation Hat exactly the same both times.


This one seems pretty intentional as a portmanteau/made-up word that sounds sparkly

Noticed that with Fiery Living Stole as well.

This popular material used on many accessories by Roblox is spelled as “Sparkle Time”. I believe it might’ve been spelt incorrectly on a couple of occasions.


Brighteyes’s is still grammatically correct

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Fixed these.

As Evercyan said, it’s currently the only item in the Sparkle Time series that is spelt as “Sparkletime,” leading me to think this is unintended. Also, in 2018 on the Report Catalog Errors thread, @givenothingback changed all the instances of “Sparkletime” to “Sparkle Time” and said to let them know if any "Sparkletime"s pop up, so it’s pretty clear this is the spelling Roblox intended to use.

My bad if I was not clear enough in the original post but the Shillelagh is the only item to use “Brighteyes’s” and all the other items a part of this series use “Brighteyes’” instead, leading me to think this is unintentional.
Brighteyes’ Bloxy Cola Hat
Brighteyes’ Fabulous Hair
Brighteyes’ Halloween Leftovers
Brighteyes’ Lavender Egg of Anticipation (formerly Brighteyes’s Lavender Egg of Anticipation)
Brighteyes’ Pink Egg of Anticipation (formerly Brighteyes’s Pink Egg of Anticipation)
Brighteyes’ ROBLOX U Leftovers
Brighteyes’ Summer Vacation Leftovers
Brighteyes’ Super Secret Non-Hat
Brighteyes’ Top Hat
Brighteyes’ Top Scrap
Brighteyes’ Treasure Chest
Brighteyes’ Witches Brew Hat
The Lavender Egg and Pink Egg were renamed in 2021, making it pretty clear that Roblox is willing to rename items to make them consistent with the rest of the series.


Thank you for the report. This is an acknowledgement message. We have assigned to our team for further review.


The majority of these typos have been fixed while some need to be followed up due to moderation. We’ll continue to keep track of the ones that need fixing - thank you for your report.


Just noticed that the specific update to this item incorrectly moved the possessive from “Pharaoh” to “Guard.” Note the discrepancy between the title and description:

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