It's 2023, *please* give us discrete graphics options

I’d love to have Future shadows without having to always render the entire map at the same time!


yes please roblox, do atleast something


Below level 3 your surface appearance isn’t affected by light and is literally the same as adding a decal on full brightness.


Roblox treats us bad with graphics, the menu is so boooring.


Would love to be able to have a high render distance with lower qualities.


I’d be fine with this change. At the very least, letting us individually toggle features such as anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, render distance, and shadow quality would be nice.


I completely agree with this.
This definitely needs much more attention.


Strongly agree with this. Having multiple graphics settings locked to a single bar can make things a bit of a hassle sometimes.

I’ve been working on a flight simulator recently, and rendering distance is a major concern in my experience.

For me, other lighting/post processing does not matter to my game too much, but it is cruical that at the minimum rendering distance is high enough for the terrain to be seen.

In order for me to accomodate for people who need to use lower graphics settings, I’ve had to scale my entire game world down, or else the map pretty much disappears at relatively low altitudes even at around 5 - 6 graphics, not to mention other planes (including enemies, which of course is even more nessecary to spot!)

@PeZsmistic makes a very good case here as well for discrete graphics options

In my case, this can be proven just by looking at other games of the same nature; plenty of flight simulators have been made that feature large rendering distances even back when computers had much less procressing power than today (e.g. Flacon 4.0 from 1998, early IL-2 Sturmovik series from the 2000s)

Locking a variety of graphics options to settings of one slider is innaccurate when performance is often based on specific graphical settings. Computers considered low spec in todays standards can run those aforementioned games quite smoothly because of factors outside of render distance (low poly models, simplified lighting systems compared to today, etc.)

I did focus a lot on rendering distance since that’s my most pressing issue, but as OP mentions it’d be nice to have discrete options for all different graphics settings for different use cases. Development for many would be made easier from this, and I’d imagine it’d be a quite welcome quality of life feature for the general playerbase as well.


To add onto this, the single gauge also affects clouds which don’t really look bad on low settings, on lower settings ambient wind dissapears and so does perlin noise (wind) but it also applies to clouds, stuff unloads on lower sertings, particlest get glitchy on lower settings etc. And yet all of this is controlled by 1 setting :confused:


They should create a separate GameSettingsGui instance like PlayerGui that contains the current one as a default. As well as methods in the UserGameSettings service that would change the graphics settings when called. That’ll allow developers to control which settings are critical for the gameplay and which aren’t in a relatively simple manner.


Graphics: < Automatic Manual Advanced Set by Developer >

Distortion: < Enabled Disabled >
Render Distance: lllll:::::
Post Effects: lllll:::::
MSAA: < Enabled Disabled >
SSAO: < Enabled Disabled >
Lighting: lllll:::::
Particles: lllll:::::
UI: lllll:::::

Auto: Automatic

Manual: lllll:::::

Set by Developer: Developer

EDIT: Amended Shadows to Lighting, recommended by @Puma_incredible


I have a little suggestion for advanced:
Lighting quality: |||||||||::

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If Roblox sees it as such an issue for young children because they don’t know what the settings mean, they could keep the slider, but also have an “advanced” menu for those that do understand these settings and adding such a feature would make the platform so much better.
Even if a child were to be messing around with their settings and accidentally went into the advanced menu to change the settings, they could always go back to the slider.
There is no reason this feature should not be here yet.


I have literally gotten into a twitter argument with, uh, I believe zeuxcg a few years back on twitter about this.

The moral of the story was that he basically called Roblox players dumb children who would be too confused about having discrete settings to be given more advanced options.

Now, that’s not the exact wording he used, but after some extremely aggressive back-and-forth that was basically the outcome. Zero respect for the concept, basically having contempt for it.

This is nonsense. We cannot stand by such foolishness of the administration team.

At the very least, there could be some sort of compromise - Maybe expose these settings to developers, so that if a developer feels they need to give players manual access to these settings, they can. But regardless, just saying “lol roblox players are stupid kids, no settings allowed!” was nonsense then, and it’s nonsense now. Especially considering Roblox has been considering allowing more M-Rated sort of experiences, which obviously means they know that adults, who know how to use graphics settings, are playing their game.

It was a bad point back then, in 2016. It’s a bad point now.
16 year old me was extremely, extremely angry about how easily this was shrugged off.
Dismissed immediately, with no actual valid reasoning provided.

7 years later, I’m older and wiser. Less angry in general.
but still find this extremely disappointing.
And I still find this response an invalid reason to not put in advanced settings.


Yup- the little children excuse won’t work anymore considering Roblox really is trying to push Roblox as an “all ages” platform. Even games primarily designed for children like Fortnite have advanced graphics options.

Roblox is far behind the times here and it is concerning that a relatively high up employee is super opposed to this.


I would love to be able to customize rendering on mobile, instead at lower graphics the entire game turns into flat graphics with almost no lighting quality…

Top is max quality with a 14 Pro Max, bottom is level 1 quality on the same device.


This feature really is a no brainer. These settings should also be changeable via script by the developers to manually tailor their own games or even to make their own graphics settings if they so choose.


By the way shout out to the fact that things like Beams lose their coherency when graphics are lowered. We have all seen it - I remember a long time ago a good example of a “water slide” made using a textured beam as the water. Turn the graphics settings down? Even though beams shouldn’t be that performance intensive, and even though they are critical to that sort of game, Roblox indiscriminately turned the beams to such low-quality they didn’t fit the water slide anymore, and clipped out of it. I’m not sure if this is still a problem, but it should never have been one to begin with.

If Roblox doesn’t trust the players, it needs to at least trust the developers.

They want settings to be consistent to make development easier? Sure. Fine.
But they already aren’t. Every time Roblox ads new cutting-edge graphical features, that is another wrench thrown into the graphics slider. Roblox WILL have to submit to demands and allow fine-tuning of graphics options - whether through player-based tuning or allowing developers to modify how the graphics slider works within their own games. But as it stands it is embarrassing.

No other game engine has this problem.
Roblox is as much an engine for developers as it is a platform for users.
Every single other engine allows the developers to put in the settings they deem relevant.
Why can’t Roblox?


I fully agree with this, but here is another mention of this issue by ROBLOX


Deleted because it was irrelevant. Just look up “Doom 3 Voodoo” to see what I mean