It's 2023, *please* give us discrete graphics options

I wish developers could make the TopBar a bit smaller, aswell as being able to show and modify the default backpack, emote wheel and leaderboard menus while those are disabled in using :SetCoreGuiEnabled() ( and also being able to disable the ( . . . ) TopBar FlashingDot without having to disable anything else )


Imagine a good customizable menu, instead of the terrible cluttered one we currently have.
(Adjustable graphics mode such as; DX12, Vulkan, etc instead of using a third party application would be so good)



As somebody working on a game with high graphical fidelity, I WANT my players to choose which graphics options they want enabled and of what quality.

There are only a few settings I can let my playerbase disable whilst in game, such as Shadows, Bloom and other Lighting Effects, these require a moderate amount of scripting but for stuff such as disabling of PBR Normal Maps… that’s a different story, that would require me to create whole algorithms to efficiently store the content so that people can add the normal maps back.

Roblox thinks that a “one glove fits all”, but it doesn’t, at least not in this day and age.


This is the best way you can describe the current state of Roblox’s graphics engine.

No shaders, No graphics control, buggy or almost unusable features that don’t achieve the effect they aim for properly. This whole “you need to be universal and support everyone on the platform” is literally hurting creative freedom of so many creators.


little off topic but that looks phenomenal


It’s outrageous Roblox did not release such a feature sooner! Especially considering that it apparently was a feature before, but was dumped into the bin for whatever reason.

I feel like Roblox needs a feature used in lots of games:
It only renders parts in and slightly further than the screen size AND a render distance set by the player (which will obviously be harder on roblox) to save performance and i’m pretty sure GPU power too.

Roblox already does something simmiliar of an optimization? The issue here is that the players have no delicate control over graphics, like turning up or down anti-aliasing, shadow quality, render distance e.t.c.

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ah ok I wasnt sure if they did

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I could go without some of the fancier stuff but I’m very particular with my shadow quality and fadeout distance. I wish I had finer control over that.


i think its insane that this post is a year old and still has gotten absolutely no response from roblox. this genuinely looks like something that roblox could (and should) have.