I've only gained 8 members for a 1k ad, is there something wrong with the way my ad is or

Yeah no.
Offering free ranks as the owner isn’t bribing, and it’s also already an overused strategy.
Scamming wouldn’t work either, most people already realized that those games grants no salary, nor ever does big giveaways.

You need to understand why your game is better. Precisely, logically. Compared to other cafes.
If it’s the map, then you should make the ad a shot of your map.
If it’s the food, then you should make the ad a gallery of foods.
If it’s nothing, then what can you show? See?

That’s my point.
Be honest!

That’s not accurate, but I did get a good laugh out of your post.

In all seriousness, try some spending more on ads. A successful campaign will probably cost around 25K-100K Robux.

As most people have said here, noting that I’m late to the party, your ad campaign is minor compared to some of the massive campaigns presented by groups like Vikinglaw’s Soviet Union and major cafe/hotels.

Present a graphic people can relate to. If they feel connected to it they may display an interest in your group specifically. There are hundreds upon hundreds of groups in this genre, and they will always compete technologically, marketing wise and in members.

While this guy has made a show of himself already, this point does still stand. In order to pay developers, get a group off the ground and run advertisements, it can slowly add up to major sums. In a lot of cases, groups flop simply because of a lack of funding.

Case in point, it’s likely the best option to make yourself stand out. Do something bold or revolutionizing that makes you different or you’ll get carried away in the trend that is the restaurant community.

And in general the ad is the most generic crap I’ve ever seen. Rich avatars in cafe game ads. They’re all the same.

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There is also a ton of games like that they are also generic. It’s a big ocean and one very small fish.

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At this genre of the group/game, you get less to almost no members in your group if you advertise. People find cafe games no fun.

NO one would ever spend that much on a cafe game ad, because they would never bring revenue back. lmaooo


I agree they are definitely an overused monopoly.

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To give you a tip, @sadieseeds, take advice from @SovietsDevEx .
Cafe games get boring over time.
They have barely any room for events, and are just a cringe idea in general.
It’s like a tycoon, except way less fun.

Try to make games that have action in them, good choice is Melee Combat and FPS genres.

best Idea and most profiting is very grindy simulater games with above average game play and unique Ideas.

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There is no way to tell how successful your ad will be… I don’t recommend dropping 20k in one ad, roblox has a feature where you can run an ad for multiple days. Perhaps spend 250 robux on the ad per day for a week and see how it does. You will probably have more success doing this.

Edit: don’t be discouraged by negative comments, they are coming from an in-experienced minority and are mainly opinions not actual experience.

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Okay, I will try that thank you!

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Grindy Simulator Games. They last an ok time. But with events, and frequent updates, they can last a pretty long time.

On the other hand, FPS and Melee Combat, is more skilled and fun. These games, even with just an update every 2-3 months (once they have over 10 con-current players), can last a year.

Saying this with experience.

How many clicks did it have?

This person spent 450 Robux and got less than 20,000 impressions. You got a slightly better impression rate / Robux. I read some of the comments and a person said it was because the ad wasn’t appealing. That might be the same case for you.

You can’t hold that opinion without providing sources. Where did you get that from?

What kind of reply is this? And why the hell does it have 15 likes???

Straight out of greenlegocat’s book for gods sake. What’s wrong with you?


It’s a classic case of “my opinion is better than yours therefore I’m going to disrespect your community”. I might not be a fan of the restaurant community but I still at least give forth advice.

At this point we might as well ignore him because he’s a clown :man_shrugging:.


bribing always works, as it gives people a reason to join the group after seeing the ad, i made a ad which bribed people and got a shit ton of joins from very little robux, ctr was high because people had a reason to click it.

That’s pretty stupid as normally a CPP would cost only 2-3 Robux but if you’re going to offer a reward then it’ll cost dozens

(Note: if you pay them, its bribing and its against tos as its offering robux to players, if you don’t, its scamming which is worse, :joy:)

i never mentioned robux lmao, and offering a reward in-game doesnt cost dozens…

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