Hello, developers! I’m so excited to tell you guys that J_AIv9 is finally released!

This AI is based from the game “The Mimic” - a horror game that features roaming monsters.

Please keep in mind that this is my first time posting a community resource, so please tell me if I did anything wrong below, thank you!


Release Version
J_AIv9 Released Official v9
J_AIv9.0.4 Released Beta v9
J_AIv9.1.4 Released Beta v9
J_AIv10 Released Official v10
J_AIv10.0.4 Unreleased Beta v10

Introducing DYNAMIC HITBOXES (beta dhAI 1)

What is a dynamic hitbox? a dynamic hitbox is simply a hitbox but it is automatically scaled according to your AI model.

Introducing DYNAMIC AVOIDINGS (alpha daAI 2)

What is this feature? This feature will help the AI learn where it gets stuck and will make sure to not cross that path whenever. This will also help you adjust some things on your map to prevent these stucks.

Introducing CUSTOM MECHANISMS (alpha cmAI 4)

Familiar with AIEngine (Made by Sythivo)? Well, J_AI is bringing this limited feature to life! These custom mechanisms are helpful if your AI has a unique mechanic.

This is just few of the features that the AI has!


J_AIv10 → J_AIv10 Official.rbxm (196.4 KB)
Set Up Plugin → J_AI Set Up Plugin


(The plug-in is unavailable, join J Studios to have the plugin)

Step 1

  • Insert J_AI (any version) into workspace

Step 2

  • !! Read the “ai.ReadMe” (Note that the ReadMe script is not yet done lol but the steps are done in there, just the config descriptions are not)

Step 3

  • Open the J_AI Folder and put the servicesfolder into their respective services

Step 4

  • Open “Workspace” and change “AI_NAME” to your AI name, and yes AI supports MULTI AI (Currently not tested if its opimized but I will in v10)

Step 5


Step 6

  • Change animations in “Your AI Name” > AI > Components > ai.Configurations > ANIMATIONS

Step 7


Step 8


Note: Please be aware that this is the very first version released and you might encounter bugs. These bugs however, are currently being fixed and will be updated as a beta version.


Could you explain more on what this specifically does because i’m confused?


So… what’s this “AI” exactly about?


It’s an AI system for horror games, very similar to the type of AI system The Mimic uses but he put his own twist to it with extra features and whatnot.


Sorry for mate replies but here I am, as @EchoWinds have said, It is an artificial intelligence that roams around a map and chases over players when seen. This AI (which I forgot to mention) is based on the game “The Mimic”.

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If you’ve heard about “The Mimic” on ROBLOX, It’s basically a roaming AI that roams around a map, and chases a player when seen.

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Alright, I edited the post’s title to clear up possible confusions might as well edit the whole post to credit The Mimic.

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One. AIs don’t even make decisions on their own. Two. They’re programmed to do something on command. What’s this about? Doing something on command.

That’s incorrect. That would fall under machine learning.

However, Machine learning is a subset of AI. But AI doesn’t necessarily mean use large amount of data.

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I mentioned your post so he can implement it in his Mimic ai
Infact, this mimic ai isnt human-like smart, this wouldn’t be considered as an ai.

I would have considered it as AI if it was in terms of algorithms though :confused:

Yes it is.

What you are probably thinking is generative AI. Whereas Artificial Intelligence is any type of system that replicates human like behavior. Reacting to the world and solving problems such as pathing is a human behavior, meaning all NPC’s in games are considered AI.


AI is a broad blanket term for algorithms used to mimic some form of intelligence, whether for Chatbots or NPC enemies.

You keep referencing Machine learning, which is part of AI but isn’t AI as a whole.


To clear up some confusions, I specified it as “AI” as it is what most people call this especially from “The Mimic”. This AI does not learn through a global data - it learns from a data preserved in the AI script whenever an error occurs.

To add, this AI is mainly made for horror games - theoritically, you can still use it in non-horror games in some way, just depends on how you would use it.


Can you provide a .rbxl with some examples map situations to see how it performs. Perhaps even an example of a bad place where they get stuck , or ‘learn not to’…

Also is it a line of sight only to attack or it knows you are behind a wall? from position data? Is that tunable?

Can this have way points?

If yes, can the waypoints in game be deleted and it does not go to them?

Can the waypoints be moved in game and it will go only to the new potions?

Can new waypoints be add in game?

Can it be tuned to run away if you whack it?

Can it whack you and run away?

Can it have low health and really really run away?

Are the AI npcs tunable to have individual characteristics?

How is this different then a pathfinding AI npc that attacks you?

If there are multiple AI’s do they bunch up, or can the move around each other and attack you from different positions?

Why do you need a camera in the AI?

Examples rbxl or editable place ?



The AI is simply a roaming AI,

To break this down, the AI basically goes:

Roam to a random patrol part → Check for possible players that are seen

if a player is seen then → Chase the player.

if the player is either;

  • Dead
  • Farther away from the AIs vision (distance)
  • Unreachable
  • Is in a safe region

then → Stop chase

Now for your other questions

If there are multiple AI’s do they bunch up, or can the move around each other and attack you from different positions?

Yes it supports multiple AI (v9’s client however is not optimized and could produce lag when used in multiple AI. This could be fixed in v10)

How is this different then a pathfinding AI npc that attacks you?

This AI has a decent amount of configurations that you could change depending on your wanted AI’s personality (or mind)

Why do you need a camera in the AI?

This is for the jumpscare. If you’ve seen The Mimic, their AI has jumpscares so thats why a camera part is required

Is it tunable?

Yes, as I’ve stated earlier, theres a decent amount of configurations that could change your NPC’s mind

Can this have way points?

If yes, can the waypoints in game be deleted and it does not go to them?

Can the waypoints be moved in game and it will go only to the new potions?

Can new waypoints be add in game?

I don’t understand and I’m quite confused. What do you mean by this?

Can it have low health and really really run away?

For now, It doesnt have a respawn system when the AI is destroyed or died.

Also is it a line of sight only to attack or it knows you are behind a wall? from position data? Is that tunable?

No it can only see the player when the player is not blocked by a wall. However, the AI has a “hearing” feature.

Let’s break this down

The AI patrols → When a player moves, it fires a hear detection and the AI stops patrol mode and → Hears the player and pathfinds to the player’s position.

Now just to add, the AI has an anti-stuck system. Whenever the AI gets stuck, it either moves to a position where a pathfind could be sufcessful, otherwise it teleports to its spawnpoints. When an antistuck function occurs, the AI learns where to avoid places where the AI got stuck to prevent it.

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Hi thanks for the information.

It sounds like it does not use waypoints, if you are saying it ‘Roam to a random patrol part’ (or did you mean position) ? If it randomly goes to a part, then perhaps it has waypoints.

If it did you waypoints, some AI / NPC systems, when the game is first run, has a table of all the waypoints. Then this table is static… meaning lets say a way point is a part that is a chest. If that chest gets open and deleted. the position is still in the table, and it will still go to where the chest was. Other more advanced waypoint finding systems will update all the time the waypoints and if they are deleted, not go to them, or if they are moved , then they will update the position and go to the new position.

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Do you mean patrol points? Well if you do, It does have Vector3 points that is stored within the AI. This does not get removed nor changed.

A good feature I added though is called “Dynamic Waypoints” which are waypoints that are added whenever it; sees, hears, kills, stops chasing a player. This makes the AI a little “smart” and makes the AI “learns” where most players are seen and the AI will patrol there.

And in my AI, the patrol parts automatically gets deleted and the Vector3 data of those parts are stored in a table.