Jailbreak Nukes System - (Open Source) + [ServerSide + Craters]

Update 2

Made the Nukes Serverside.
Added Craters.

Update 1.4

Added Visible Nuke In Silo.
Fixed Frame Teleports.

Update 1.3

Added Silo Animation (Not Just Silo Anymore).

Update 1.2

Added Silo (For The Nukes To Launch Out Of).

Update 1.1:

Added Audio.
Removed Mushroom Cloud (Due To Lag).

Update 1.0:

Launched The First Version.


I recreated the nuke system. This is a very close recreation. Try it and see.

Oh forgot Left-Click to launch Nuke. Targeted at the 3d mouse position.

I have been working on this all day and Finally through Parabolic arcs and some CFrame math I found done. I grabbed some Jailbreak meshes from the ToolBox plugged them in and it works very well. I have made it open source in the hopes that someone will be able to learn from this to develop their own.

There is a demo game or you can just download the File at the end of the thread.

Before you play LEFT CLICK is to nuke


Before you download LEFT CLICK is to nuke

Duration Is an optional but if the Nuke has to travel very far the prediction will destroy it before it reaches its destination.

Speed is pretty self explanatory except the more you increase the speed the higher the nuke will go if targeted close to Origin (Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)).

Time Dilation is the slowing down relative to the player.

The GUI library is credit to wally and Pepsi, not because I condone exploiting but because I very much like the design.

It is not serversided because I will leave that up to you.

Nuke and Mushroom cloud credit - Toolbox

That is about it Thanks for reading if you didn’t just scroll down :slight_smile:

Place File:

Jailbreak Reanimated Nukes - Open Source.rbxl (873.2 KB)

Enjoy it and remember Left-Click to Launch nuke.


wow! really nice! nice animations too and everything!

Thanks. What animations? From the GUI?

i like how the nuke moves when u press the button its smooth

That is done with Parabolic arcs not animations

Ahh still really cool. Good Work!

Thank you. I think the title is confusing you.

It’s really awesome !

ps : its not auto clicker friendly :confused:

It is most definitely not but I have not tried it with one. My computer is fine.

I would suggest you to move this topic to the #resources:community-resources channel where it fits, so that your post doesn’t get removed.

Concerning the system, it actually looks really well made. Carry On !

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Is it not cool enough to be here plus idk why or how to do that or if I want to.

No don’t get me wrong, i tried it out and it absolutely looks cool but what i’m saying is the other channel is more appropriate as it is used for open sourced work. The cool creations channel is mostly for feedback & showcase related topics. I invite you to read this topic where it explains more in depth what i’m trying to say.

“If your creation is significant and is open-source, please use Resources instead!”

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You have not shown me how to move it

Try clicking on the “edit” button, and change the channel of your topic.

It is Left-Click to use I did put it in thread but people like to scroll.

I have now Updated an added sound.

Great resource! The nukes are so smooth and all!

Thanks so much and they are super smooth almost like real life.

Made the game updated forgot to do that before.

Very very cool! It is also very smooth really awesome :slightly_smiling_face: