About the Resources category

Learn from tutorials and resources created by the community and Roblox staff

If you have a tutorial or resource to share, we highly encourage you to do so here!

Where do I post?

Pick one of the two subcategories:

  • Community Tutorials : For resources that are step-by-step instructions on how to achieve something related to development.
  • Community Resources : For any other resources that are significant and useful to development.

Who can post here?

  • All forum users can create topics in this category and reply to topics.
  • Everyone can read all the contents in this category, even when not logged in.

I want to make a new topic, but it won’t let me!

Make sure to select one of the subcategories! You cannot post directly in Resources.

Want to contribute, but you’re not a forum member yet?

See this post for more information on how to contribute.