Hi everyone! I have finished creating the most easy to use gun system on roblox “Jimmy’s Gun System v1.0!”
With this, you can make guns in under 30 seconds! (No seriously, I tested it)
Here is a quick look at some of the guns that were made using the system!
The documentation on how to use is only 1 page long! It’s so easy that you don’t even need to know how to code!
Simply take the tool pack,
Then create your gun model… (Make sure you name the magazine “Mag.” The body can be whatever.)
Then create the handle and shootpart… (Name the handle “Handle” and the shoopart “ShootPart”
Then group your gun model, make sure to name the model “gunmodel” (DO NOT GROUP THE HANDLE)
Then create your welds! (put them under Handle. I suggest using easy weld to make this easier)
Now you can drag the handle and gunmodel into the tool!
Now comes the semi-hard part. Make a part, turn it’s canCollide off, make it anchored, and name it “Bullet.” Then just drag it into ServerStorage.
Finally, just change the SETTINGS folder’s value’s to whater you like! (remember, change the value to whatever the tags are, or it wont work!)
Now you can use your gun!
Hope this seems like something you would use in the future! If you want to use it, you can download the model right here
(It’s free)
I think you should put the Settings in a safer way so its not exploitable.
Like, When shooting make RemoteEvent grab the ID of weapon, then find the settings of weapon under ServerStrorage or something like that.
I never used gun system but I made Pickaxe Damage system etc. (both in ModuleScript and Folder versions since RemoteEvent can reach ServerStorage stuff.)
I even use something like:
Remote for Client to server
Remote fires the real damage Function thats inside a module script to control everything in 1 place.
I can kinda see the possibilities for exploiting with the system. I forgot to mention that I’m updating the gun system every week to solve stuff like this, so I will put this in my todo list! Thanks for the feedback :3
You could for sure figure it out if you’ve been coding for 7 years, they are pretty simple to understand especially if you were to use them in this case. Basically you’d just store all the gun configs in tables within the module script, likely using a dictionary. You can then reference that table by requiring the modulescript and doing something like MyModuleScript.AK47[“Damage”]
Edit: this can also help you make it more secure as you can store these configs on the sever, which would be immutable by clients (to my knowledge)
Great gun system but I keep getting issues…
This is what happens when the gun gets equipped.
How can I fix this? I triple checked the tutorial and followed everything it said but I still don’t know how to fix this.
Hi! Unfortunately, you need to know how to properly set the grip of your tool. This can be done by using a plugin called “Tool grip editor.” You can install the free version, or the paid version (I recommend paid version, as it’s easier.)