JGSv0.4 HAS RELEASED (plugin is coming on the 27th)

This looks very promising. Will defo check it out.

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these are not viewmodels. viemodels are characters with just arms that follow the camera. you make the characters arms of the player move to the camera.

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If it is just arm, what do the other players see, only arms ?

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It locally clones the player arms, and locally makes the originals invisible. On the server, nobody can see them, so they are technically viewmodels.

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I suggest creating a plugin for this purpose. You can include a button that allows the user to load a gun into the starting tools. After that, they can manually edit the gun’s statistics. This would greatly improve user experience by avoiding the need to access the tool box multiple times. Additionally, it would be helpful to define the various parts (such as mag) as string variables in the code, allowing for easy customization of naming conventions like Pascal case or camel case. Furthermore, I recommend implementing a simple graphical user interface (GUI) within the plugin to make name adjustments more user-friendly.

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Hi there! You won’t believe what I’ve been working on lol :sweat_smile: I am releasing a plugin for this that will be coming out in February!



30 min chars

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Do you plan to make it work for mobile devices in the future?

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Feature Request
2. Tracers always even after spawn originate from the shoot part because when you walk you can see it’s in the wrong spot.
3. A blank particle emitters that fires every time you shoot and is customizable with possible presets.
4. Idk shells for me don’t work so pls fix.
5. Enable physics for mag clone and make it a debris I did this myself and it looks way better.
6. Recoil that goes back down.
7. Make it so the tool grip faces the mouse hit.
8. Add infinite ammo and an overheat system.
9. give up on view models there are too many systems for you to worry about it already.
10. Add a recoil anim that plays when you shoot and aren’t reloading maybe make it blank for the ppl who don’t want it.
11. Bullet holes and blood decals with an ignore list for hitboxes.
12. Use [v1.4] Create Dynamic Crosshairs! (Updated!) - #33 by Towphy to implement dynamic crosshairs and spread.

I’ll add to this over time!

It already does :smiley:(at least I think). It should for both computer and mobile.

I’m checking 10 times a day for the update lmao.

lol glad people are excited. lucky for you, jgs update is coming out in like 3 days :smiley:

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YAY!!! This is amazing, cannot wait :smiley:!

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Yes. That is coming in the release of JGSv0.3.3b! I can show you some early screenshots if you would like!

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Will weapons be stackable … like if u have 3 of yhe same stuff ?

Are there different ammo drop boxes for different wespons ?

Is there ammo automatic distrabution when ammo is picked up ?

If u drop a weapon does it keep the common ammo and distributed it ?

Do the guns not shoot through walls?

Is it set up to not shoot teammates?

Are there shotguns and grenades ?

Rockets ?

Can the projectiles have dofferent bullet speed ?

bro just leaked every single update im adding :skull:

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YES, FINALLY, AN UPDATE!!! Huge W :smiley:

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Is it released? can you date stamp the versions when released?

I have been waiting so long!

Well if you actually read the new post you would see the massive link sending u to you the update