JGSv0.4 HAS RELEASED (plugin is coming on the 27th)

Current Version- JGSv0.4b —f79dd5652c0183b2735f46d87d3761a40814dd09

You are viewing the old JGS page. The new one can be found here-> New Page

Thanks to [lnconcinnity](https://devforum.roblox.com/u/lnconcinnity) for giving me advice on how I should setup my log page, and how I should make JGSv0.3b and higher! Many thanks :heart: Discord server! https://discord.gg/cfmUhdfYt4! Thanks to [killnminecraft](https://devforum.roblox.com/u/killnminecraft) for setting up the Discord! Many thanks :heart: ___ It's finally here! - I have finally released JGSv0.4b, and the plugin will be open to the public starting 2/27/24! I know I said the plugin would come out the 26th, but I've got a couple important things to do tomorrow.

Can we at least see the plugin?

Sure! Here are a couple photos of when it was in development!

Screenshot 2024-02-25 190657

Remember, these photos are from when JGSEditor was in development. There are a lot more features that I am waiting to show you guys!

All Versions

JGSv0.1b – 12/20/23
JGSv0.2b – 12/25/23
JGSv0.2bUP – 12/25/23
JGSv0.3b – 12/26/23
JGSv0.3.2b – 12/30/23
JGSv0.3.2.5b – 12/30/23
JGSv0.4b – 2/25/24

Official Versions

JGSv0.1b – 12/20/23
JGSv0.2b – 12/25/23
JGSv0.3b – 12/26/23
JGSv0.3.2b – 12/30/23
JGSv0.3.2.5b – 12/30/23
JGSv0.4b – 2/25/24

Upgrade Packs

JGSv0.2bUP – 12/25/23

What’s new?

  • JGSv0.4b has just released!
  • Friendly Fire! Now you can make team-based gun games!
  • Scopes! You can change your scope image AND FOV!
  • HitMarker SFX! Play different noises when a bullet and player connect!
  • animationTransparencyModifier! This is SUPER useful. I will explain it in the tutorial section!
  • 10 bugfixes!
  • 1 optimization fix!

JGS- What Why and How

What is JGS?

“JGS,” otherwise known as “Jimmy’s Gun System,” is a gun system designed to be the most user-friendly gun system on all of Roblox.

Why should I use JGS?*

Unlike most gun systems, such as FE Gun Kit, JGS uses custom built in animations and sounds to make the user experience seem as simple as possible.

*But keep in mind, FEGK is an extremely well made gun kit, so if you want to have a more unorganized and longer process, but VERY, and I mean VERY well made guns, I suggest using FEGK Instead of JGS.

How long will it take me to make guns? And does it require scripting?

JGS was designed to be a coding/scripting-free* gun system to make it as easy as possible. If you have no prior experience using Roblox Studio, then setting up guns in JGS may take a little longer than expected, though on average, guns can/are made in around 3-10 minutes*.

*Using this system does require using a ModuleScript (A table based script that returns values from the table when require() function is used in LocalScript’s and ServerScripts), but in older versions, that is not required, as all you do is change values.
*This is based off MY skill and MY times when testing JGSv0.1b and JGSv0.2/JGSv0.2bUP. Any long tasks are entirely based off your modeling/blending skills when it comes to designing and making weapons.

What do I do if there isn’t an upgrade pack for the version I want to updgrade to!?

Sadly, nothing. JGS Can only be upgraded when simple changes- like bugfixes, are made. I am still working on a easy to use JGSUS that will come out at around version 2.0. If you want to jump more than 1 version, then you will need to upgrade multiple times for each weapon. Sorry :sad:

How to use JGS

This is a step by step tutorial on how to use JGSv0.3.2.5b. Older tutorials are deleted sadly :sad:

Step 1

Ok, with the new release of JGSv0.4b, there is a new tutorial page!
First thing we need to do is get JGSv0.4b on the marketplace. Don’t worry, it’s free.
JGSv0.4b – 2/25/24
Now open a new project, and insert JGSv0.4!

(The image should say JGSv0.4b, but the tutorial on how to set up JGS is roughly the same)

Step 2

Now that we have JGS inserted, lets build the gun!
The gun should have 4 parts- your mag, shootpart, handle, and body. I’ll show you how to make these.

First, build the body of your gun

Now Insert 2 parts, your Handle, and Shootpart. Name these “Handle” and “ShootPart,” or it wont work.

The part by the handle of your gun is the “Handle,” and the part by the barrel of the gun is the “ShootPart.”

Now we can do the easy part, just model your magazine. Name this part, “Mag.”

Step 3

Now that your gun is modeled correctly, lets move on to welding the gun together! If you want to make this process easier, then I suggest installing the “EasyWeld” plugin.

Group all of your gun parts, EXCEPT for the handle. This is important. Name the model, “gunmodel.” (Make sure everything else is also named properly.)


Now insert a weld inside your handle for EVERY part of the gun.


Set the part0 of all these welds to your handle, and the part1 of these welds to the part you want to weld. It should look like this. (You don’t need to name the welds like me, I just do this to make it easier.)

Now you can drag your handle and gunmodel into the tool!


Final Step (Step 4)

Now you have finished the hard part of making the gun! Congrats! The only thing left to do is changing the settings on the gun!

To do this, open the settings module inside of the gun.

Each variable has a comment above or next to it. These are instructions and information on what each variable does. For example, ammo is what the number of bullets inside your gun is, and you should change it to something between 1 and 100.

After you have done all your settings customization, you need to insert a part into ServerStorage, and name it “Bullet.” Make sure the part is anchored, and cancollide is off.


Thanks for following this tutorial, and I hope you have fun with JGS!

Customization (Optional)

Hi there! You opened this because you were curious or because you wanted to make your gun have stuff like custom animations, or custom audio.

How to change your animation

To change the animation for your gun, you need to, well… create the animation. When creating the animation, you need to make sure that it is EXACTLY 1 second long, or it will break. The code inside of JGS automatically sets the speed of your animation based on how long you set the reloadTime to. This means if my animation is 1 second long, and my reloadTime is 3 seconds long, my animation will be 3 seconds long when being used in game. If you are making a reload animation, you also need to make sure you have two animation events inside of your animation. Name these events “magin,” and “magout.” Set the position of these events to the keyframe where the player removes the mag, and puts in the mag. Not making these events will break the animation (You do not need to make these for a holding animation.) Make sure that the priority is set to action 2 or 3. If you are making a reload animation, then set this to 3. If you are making a holding animation, set this to 2. Here is an image of what an animation should look like when creating a reload animation:

Now publish your animation. Copy the asset id of the animation, and unfold the local script.


Open the animation folder, and select the folder that you have your settings’ reloadAnim set to. For example, if my reloadAnim is set to “Rifle,” then I would open the rifle folder.


Now click the “reload,” or “hold” animation, depending on what you animated. Then paste the assetID you copied into the AnimationId section. Now you can test out your gun, and you will have a custom reload animation!!!


How to change your audio

Changing your audio is quite simple. First, unfold your local script.


Then, click the sound you want to change. For example, I want to change my shooting sound.

You will see a SoundId. We are going to change that. To do this, go to the toolbox and search, “gunshot,” or search the sound you want to change the shooting to. You will then right-click the audio you want, and press “Copy asset id.”

When you have done that, go back to your soundID, and hit ctrl-v.

And now you’re done! This works with any sound in the gun. Have fun!

How to use JGSEditor!

I’ll explain this when it actually releases lmao

Feature request and todo list

  • TODO: Better recoil
  • TODO: Melee
  • TODO: Equipping animation and sound (90% chance I’ll add)
  • TODO: From zach_poopooo | Bullet Amount (100% chance I’ll add)

Want to leave a request? Just comment and add (REQUEST) at the start of your comment in bold!

Photos of JGS!

-user: zack_poopooo

Want to have your photo featured? Just comment a photo and I might see it!


Pretty good job you’ve done in 'ere mate.
This looks promising.


also i forgot to mention- if there is anything about the gun system you want to know then please ask!


are you talking about my game huh?

Now it doesn’t look like it came out from 2010

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If you’re thinking Inconcinnity is a reference to a game, it’s not. It’s a user that commented on my old post with advice. (I think thats what your asking i could be wrong)


@OofDestroyer25 Note, an * means that I’ve already coded it and you can ask me for the solution if you want(can save you some time)
#1 Tightness, Tightness is a circle radius that a bullet can randomly be pointed in
#2 Aiming, you most likely already know this, but I will continue anyway, you move the gun in front of the player’s face and lower the FOV of the camera(could affect tightness if you add it :thinking:)
#3 Amount, Amount is the number of bullets fired in one shot(for shotguns :wink:) and the amount can’t go less than one, and is defaulted to one.
#4 Bullet Variation, Bullet Variation allows for a gun to choose a bullet instead of a defaulted one(this is also an option btw)
#5 Better Reload, Better Reload, in this case, refers to reloading when you try to shoot when ammo is zero(could also be a setting)
#6 Body Damage, Body Damage is the ability to change the damage value for each part of the body(if the value is blank, then it defaults as body damage)*
#7 Customizable Reserves, Customizable Reserves lets you customize the amount of extra bullets you have*
#8 Long-Lasting Bullets, Long-Lasting Bullets allows for a bullet mesh or part to be cloned at the end of the raycast if hitting a non-humanoid object
#9 Better Recoil, I know you have this on your to-do list but I digress, Better recoil shoots the camera up an amount then returns it a part of the way back.


It would be nice if you mention anywhere (and especially in the title) what JGS is. I had no idea what this post was even sharing until I took a look.


I agree with you on this, I feel like the title should be abbreviated, but other than that @OofDestroyer25 added in a tutorial, what Jimmy’s Gun System(is stated in the “What Why and How” section) is, how to use it, and why you should you it.

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Hi there! I have updated this post with more requests on the request list. Thanks for the feedback!


Hi there! I have updated this post with a more appealing title. Thanks for the feedback!


I am a little confused. If you wish to ask a question related to this post, give feedback, or show me photos/requests, then please do. Otherwise, do not reply, as it fills my reply section with things that don’t help me or allow me to work faster. Thank you!


Could you include a video of the gun system?


I could supply you with a video of the gun system in action if you’d like. (mind you, I have a first-person script(allows me to see my body), and a look at mouse script.)

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Thank you for reading my long list of requests, I just want to let you know that I will update that comment with other requests in the future.

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I am working on a video with all the new features of JGSv0.3.2b! It will be ready in about an hour



I have coded some features if you’d want to see, including, but not limited to, reloading on click when out of ammo, editable reserves, and making the damage for each limb customizable. :smiley:

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the adjusted time in the reload script is unnecessary and it made my animation slower than it should have been.

you can see at the bottom left with the ammo that the first one the ammo is filled halfway through the animation and the second one is perfectly timed


You need to make your animation down to 1 second long, as it will automatically go to the correct speed. Just push the keyframes together, and set your reload time longer and the animation should work.
ReloadTime has two functionalities- adjusting the preset animations speed and setting the wait time for your reload to finish. Using 1 / reloadtime gives me the exact number for the parameter in the AdjustSpeed function when using animations.


Hi there! I have just finished coding all of these already and I plan on releasing JGSv0.3.2b and JGSv0.3.2bUP tomorrow. Thank you for the effort though, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was working on these beforehand :sweat_smile: