Hello, my name is JuanCupO’Juice and I have been a part of the Roblox community since 2008. I began using Roblox as a creative outlet around 2012, when I met ZackZak and Legoman654, who both inspired me to improve my skills. From there, I began building mainly for fun, starting small projects here and there after being sparked by spurts of inspiration. Outside of Roblox, I am currently a 20 year old student studying computer science, as well as video game design at my university.
You can call me Juice.
I took some time a while back to put together a website using Google Sites, a website building tool created by Google.
My site:
I plan to split the site into two sections: personal work, and contract/partnership work in the future, once I have more under my belt.
My profile:
Even though I am a full-time university student, I am decently far ahead in my studies. As a result I am left with minimal classes to take and I am available pretty much most of the day.
When it comes to pricing and payments, they are very negotiable and of course change depending on the project. However, I prefer USD over R$, and my go-to method is Paypal.
You can obviously always contact me on here if you have any questions, as well as directly on Roblox, or Discord. ( JuanCupO’Juice#4524 )
Or if you want to comment on the size of my titles